Video recording Sagan still suffered: I still have a lot of trouble


<img src = " "width =" 298 "alt =" Peter Sagan in the green jersey on the stage after the 20th stage "title =" Peter Sagan in the green jersey on the stage after the 20th stage "

ESPELETTE – British cyclist Geraint Thomas will become the winner of the 105th edition of the prestigious Tour de France. in the last round of Sunday finishing on the Paris Elysejs pitch, he reached the goal of the main peloton, deciding the second round on Saturday where he finished third and confirmed the position of leader of the general classification

Dumoulin of the Sunweb team, the second round Christopher Froome (Team Sky) trailed a second, Thomas was behind the winner for 14 seconds, the Slovakian cyclist Peter Sagan ranked 133rd with a loss of 7:11 on the winner [19659006] Sagan He has already been the winner of the contest for the sixth time, equaling Nemca's record Erik Zabela from 1996 to 2001. But over time, he felt the consequences of the fall he had suffered in the 17th Step: "I'm happy at the last step of tomorrow.I feel a little better, but I still have a lot of pain and I still need to get back to another race. " wrote a triple world champion s ur facebook page

Thomas wins the winner's trophy he won the ToT four times (2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017). "I've always dreamed of winning the Tour de France once, and this is now a reality, I have to reduce my emotions, I want to cry," quoted the words of Thomas APA

] Tags: Peter Sagan Geraint Thomas

TASR, sportky
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