VIDEO The great Obama speech, indirect criticism Trump: Warned of where the world becomes


Obama spoke on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the late warrior of South African apartheid and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela. According to AP, Obama was the most significant speech since he was not in power.

The former president said that news headlines are more disturbing every day when he backs off . Donald Trump's successor was not directly mentioned, but it was defined by the PA as opposed to Trump's policy when he spoke of preserving Mandela's ideas like democracy, diversity and good education for all

2017. On Monday, he stopped in Kenya, where he visited the birthplace of his late father, while the speaker pointed out that Mandela, imprisoned for 27 years, persevered in his campaign, despite the fact that that the racist system seemed immeasurable

His words met a cheering crowd of about 14,000 people gathered at Johannesburg's cricket stadium, where the speech took place. 59003] "We are witnessing the threat that most of the world faces from returning to a more dangerous and brutal way of doing business," says Obama

"The Politics of Fear, of D & # 39; intolerance and constraint increases a few years ago, unimaginable … Those in power … are trying to undermine all institutions that give meaning to democracy "

 Barack Obama

Source: SITA / AP / Themba Hadebe

The ideals of Mandel face an attack

"It's only by staying there that it pays tribute to Nelson Mandel." Obama apologizes for Trump's torture, " Professor of Business at the University of the Witwatersrand John Stremlau

. According to him, the speech was timely given that Mandel's ideals in the United States and elsewhere in the world "face an attack" [19659004]. "Yesterday, they were together on the stage of Trump and Putin.Today, we see the opposing team: Obama and Mandela," Stremlau pointed out

 Barack Obama

Source: SITA / AP / Themba Hadebe

Mandela, 19659024 Mandela, who was released from prison in 1990, became the first black president of South Africa four years later . He died in 2013 and left behind a reference to reconciliation and the fight against inequality.

Obama spoke of his inspiration for the South African statesman and many South African expatriates perceive him as Mandel's successor.

Obama did not publicly evaluate the Trump administration, which criticized and canceled some of the important steps taken by Obama. The United States, under Trump's leadership, withdrew from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the International Nuclear Agreement with Iran; The Trump administration is also seeking to abolish the health reform known as Obamacare

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