VIDEO: The hell is waiting for them today! Peter Sagan, however, believes: I will try to win


today 07:56

When they published last October the route of the Tour de France, the bosses of many cycling teams saw a lot of oxygen watching stage 9 of Arras in Roubaix ( 156.5 km).


The dreaded North Hell in dungeons, the so-called "pavement", is at spring, why still its summer version reduced? The fact is that the director of the Tour de France, Christian Prudhomme, fell in love with this type of stage, where cyclists must worry about falls and injuries on the rocks of the north of France [19659007] Called Frace. for the fourth time. It will be 15 sectors with cubes divided into lengths of 21.7 km. Only three of them will not be the same as the famous spring class that this year won the Slovak Peter Sagan. The longest sector with the Auchy docks at Bersée will arrive on 104.5 km and will measure 2.7 km

The last cycle will be 8 km before the arrival and it will be at 1.4 km from Willems to Hem. At the very end, while avoiding the cubic part directly to Roubaix, but not the emblematic race of the velodrome.

"There will be two stages in one, not only the victory but especially how to best preserve the leaders of the individual" think Matt White, who comments the Tour de France for Cyclingnews [19659007] NOT FREE: The complete program of the Tour de France 2018 >>

"In the pack, it seems that many great classics will have to suppress their own ambitions and first help their leaders . " Sep Vanmarcke will go to Rigoberta Uranus, Oliver Naesen for Matt Hayman to watch Adam Adam and Yates, Gianni Moscon on Chris Froom and Gerard Thomas, Thomas is still second overall and, "

" The same goes for the leader Greg van Avermaet, who won the Paris-Roubaix a year ago. invites the official portal of the Tour de France 2018 at the 9th stage

  Peter Sagan ready for the start of the TdF

Peter Sagan ready to start TdF.

Source: SITA

The risk of crossing the "paved" sections lies mainly in the fact that several stones are in a poor technical state of different size and thickness. Running at high speed means cheating with faults, falls or other technical problems. Sky does not want to leave anything to chance, and each of the fifteen passes will have its own people with six or seven bicycles and water bottles

This logistics plan was developed by the Dutchman Servais Knaven, winner of the Paris- Roubaix in 2011 and now works for Sky as a sports director. Chris Froome did not arrive at the cubes in 2014 because he had to give up the race a little earlier than a year later, but that does not mean that it's going to happen reproduce. recalled Knaven, 47 years old

When asked when he had the two chiefs for the general order, Knaven turned the head of a your negative. "Chris Froome has won six Grand Tours, so he is our only leader, and with Gerard Thomas, he will only be when Froom will do something, and of course none of us will want it.

also: 9 Tour de France 2018 – Map, profile and favorites to win

Peter Sagan will again be ambitious for the triumph of the stage. Bora-Hansgrohe, the Slovak team, won Saturday the disqualification of Fernando Gaviri and Andre Greipela, even twice. He sits in second place at the stage and in the fight for the green jersey he takes his lead to 63 points.

And since Sagan has his free hand in the first non-mountainous part of the Tour de France, he can attack primacy virtually in each of the plateaus. steps. Until now, we have a very good stage score (2-3-1) on this year 's "Old Stage". And Sunday, the champion of Paris-Roubaix will have an advantage over several rivals

"We are waiting for a real fight with the" handsome ", but the next day we will be able to take advantage of our chances." Peter Sagan s & Is also illustrated on the website of his team

For he added: "This will be the last step before the free day and again I will try to keep the concentration and being on the front all day, but it may be that the energy accumulated in the previous spells I miss and it will be the day of Van Avermaet or someone from the team of Quick- Step Floors. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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