Video: The police organized a "Youth" event in Bratislava, they lit young people


BRATISLAVA, July 28 ( – In order to protect young people from alcohol, this preventive police action "Youth" took place on Friday, July 27 in the old town of Bratislava

As SITA Police spokesperson Lucia Mihalikova in Bratislava was based on the previous one, which took place on 19 July in the third district of Bratislava. She found no alcohol or alcohol among young people under 18 years of age.

The Old Town event had more serious results. The cops found alcohol for nine teenagers. After a positive breath test, they were taken to the police, where they were summoned by their legal representatives in the presence of the employees of the social and legal guardianship of the children

The detected offenses are transmitted by the police to the competent administrative authorities. On Friday, the cops also got an armed robbery of a suspect.

They also arrested two people suspected of being abducted and injured. At the same time, two offenses against public order were resolved on the spot by a fine of 60 euros.

At a previous inspection in the capital, on July 19, in the third district of Bratislava, police controlled 73 people. The check-up did not lead to swimming pools, buffets, the brewery, the game room or the stadium object after a football game, a forest park and a gardening area [19659008].

Inspection of Buffets in the Lake District

The preventive actions mentioned above were organized by the Bratislava police in co-operation with the municipal police, the workers, the social workers and the representatives of the municipality. Police announce other measures to protect young people from alcohol

Seneck District police officers also focused on the sale, administration and consumption of alcohol for people under 18 years old. On Thursday, July 26th, the concrete inspected the buffets and the operations around the lakes as well as the shops of the pedestrian zone of the Lichnerova street in Senci.

Mihalikova, one of the prevention activities of the Regional Police Directorate in Bratislava, also provided the preventive police action "Younger" .

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