VIDEO: Trump: The United States and Russia must work together


  In the photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump pose at the first summit of the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16, 2018. Photo: TASR / AP

Helsinki, July 16 – United States and Russia they must find ways to work together to pursue common interests. (19659003) According to Trump, the productive dialogue between the United States and Russia is good for both countries and for the world.

] He said at a press conference that disagreements between the two states "in detail" discussed. He added that relations between the United States and Russia were never worse.

Trump also said that in an interview with Putin, he directly raised the subject of Russia's interference in the US presidential election in 2016. However, according to AP

The US President spent a lot of time talking about interference with elections, and Putin had an "interesting idea" in this context . But he did not say more about it. Trump condemned the US investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections and described it as "a disaster ." This investigation, according to him, "still separates" America from Russia. He reiterated that there was no campaign with the Russian government Putin told him at a press conference that Moscow had not intervened in the electoral process American and would not do so in the future. He admitted, however, that he hoped to win Trump in the elections, "because he wanted to normalize relations with Russia."

The US President also expressed the belief that they will meet again in the future. were successful and useful, Putin said

Negotiations with US President Donald Trump took place in an atmosphere of open, fruitful and useful work. After Monday's talks in Helsinki with Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at a press conference

The Kremlin leader said that Russia and the United States were facing challenges and common risks. united their efforts. (19659003) Putin pointed out that the Russian government had not interfered with the US electoral process and was willing to work in a common cybersecurity group, TASS said. The president also said that Moscow and Washington have all the necessary conditions to cooperate in the resolution of the war in Syria. He also welcomed the contribution of the United States to solving the problem of the Korean peninsula

. Putin also said that & # 39; he had deceived Trump to create a working group with the participation of Command Captains to develop economic cooperation [19659003SelonAPPoutineilanotéquelaguerrefroideavaitprisfinetquelaRussieetlesEtats-UnisdevaientrésoudrelesproblèmesensembleIlaajoutéqueTrumpavaitégalementacceptédesécuriserlafrontièreisraélienneaveclaSyrieconformémentàl'accordde1974[19659011] For the good departure "Jumpstart" US President Donald Trump described his interviews in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin

. A good start, a very good start for everyone. " Trump said after more than two hours of interviews with Putin between the four eyes, only in the presence of performers

As the AP noted, after this dialogue followed by a working lunch after which Trump and Putin will participate in a joint press conference in the Finnish capital

Trump: The world wants the United States and Russia to get married

US President Donald Trump has expressed his willingness to normalize bilateral relations between the United States and Russia as two nuclear powers before his summit on Monday with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Helsinki

"I sincerely think that the world wants We are two great nuclear powers, we have 90% of all nuclear weapons, and this is not good, "announced on Trump's briefing, quoted by CNN News Station. Trump hopes to have a "good relationship" with Putin However, Trump refuses to answer journalists' questions if during talks with Putin, he opens the question of Russian interference in US presidential elections of 2016.

On the photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump at the opening session of the Presidential Palace in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, July 16, 2018.

Photo: TASR / AP

The two leaders took their hand before going to a meeting room where they dialogue between the four eyes, only in the presence of performers. A working lunch and interviews will be followed in the presence of other members of their delegations. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US diplomat Mike Pompeo are negotiating

The day of negotiations will be concluded by a joint press conference

. The first reason he said that Trump wanted to better evaluate Putin and develop a personal relationship with him.

Donald Trump has already expressed his anger at the fact that he had escaped sensitive information when meeting with foreign leaders. will not. For the third reason, he said that during the negotiations he did not want to have a tougher line of advisers against Russia who would marry Putin.

The Kremlin leader said at the introductory briefing: I can meet you here in Finland, since our last meeting we have been in constant contact with the phone, and it's time for a Another job interview, because there are many in the world and we have to talk about it. "

Putin and Trump meet at the historic summit of Helsinki

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US President Donald Trump on Monday, marking the historic summit of the day, reports AP.

Putin's plane was delayed by 30 minutes, the airport dropped at a time when the Russian leader intends to meet the head of the White House. The two presidents have a meeting at the Presidentinlinna in Helsinki

This is their first separate meeting and the first bilateral summit of these countries since April 2010. Putin and Trump will meet first between the four eyes and then with the presence from other members their delegations. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US diplomat Mike Pompeo will discuss

Russian President Vladimir Putin went to the metropolis of Helsinki in Finland

Photo: TASR / AP

Putina at the Helsinki Airport was greeted by the head of the Finnish Presidential Administration, Jukka Siukosaari, and then his convoy headed towards the center of Helsinki. Putin used the new Kortez presidential limousine for the first time abroad. The car was created during Putin's inauguration in May 1945. Trump, just before the briefing summit, said that Putin and he were about to talk about the bilateral relations between Washington and Moscow, nuclear weapons , China and business. CNN station. Trump, in his own words, hopes to build good relationships.

The Russian annexation of Crimea, the support of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the alleged interference in the US presidential election in 2016 or the disagreement over the Iranian nuclear program

Dmitri Peskov , Kremlin spokesman Moscow does not expect easy negotiations in Helsinki but hopes that the summit will be the first step to overcome the crisis that is in mutual relations

Neither party is s & # Expects a significant breakthrough at the Helsinki summit. For Putin, however, the summit itself is a victory, because it shows that the United States sees Russia as a power that can not be ignored

Finnish police recorded thirteen protests at the Trump-Putin summit

Finnish police recorded Monday 13 rallies in central Helsinki, where US President Donald Trump and his Russian partner Vladimir Putin met

In front of protesters of Amnesty International's human rights defenders, at the Kallio District Evangelical Church Tower, Greenpeace activists would have again, with the approval of the church administration, sported the banner "Let's play our heart, not our planet." In the Market Square near the Presidential Palace, some 20 activists in red cap reminiscent of Donald Trump of his presidential campaign have deployed a banner "Make America Trade Again" (1965). a word toy with the main slogan of the Trump campaign "Make America even more beautiful"

"There are two authoritarian rulers in the world – Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin", [19459013TheeventwasorganizedbytheyouthorganizationofCentralFinlandTASRspoketooneoftheyoungpeopleholdingabigbannerHeworeaT-shirtwiththenamesofUSPresidentReaganandbothBush "True Republicans are for free trade and the international order." A young man from the coastal city of Espoo pointed out "Putin tells us that the occupation of Crimea is illegal" He would respect ministerial agreements and would make Crimea to be "illegal". Ukraine ", added a young Finnish

In the middle of the esplanade, a group of about fifteen Ukrainians from the organization Free People, accompanied by scandals, was gathered : "Glory to Ukraine!" Through a megaphone, they read the open letter to the US President on the occasion of his meeting in Helsinki with the Russian leader. 39, they were directly involved in the Majdan Revolution and "continue to fight against the Russian military aggression and the hybrid war in Ukraine." Trumps congratulated for granting "weapons devastating defenses " to Ukraine, for its cooperation in the training of Ukrainian soldiers and its support to military intelligence

"For a year and a half, the Trump administration for Ukraine has done more than Barack Obama for eight years in the office." Obama's US policy was headed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, " told TASR one of the oldest protesters, he introduced himself as Boris Potapenko. </ P> <p> the importance of US pressure against the construction of the North Stream gas pipeline. "The United States plans to impose sanctions against the companies of North Stream 2," "The US Congress has still clearly supported Ukraine, but now he has an American president who does not prevent Congress from supporting him, and if Congress tells him to impose sanctions, this can be a little torture . , explains Potapenko

At the same time, Trump does not believe that Trump will replace the support of Ukraine for other concessions in Syria, for example . "The US Defense Minister, James Mattis, would certainly not have been in power because he put all his prestige and authority in favor of Ukraine, and the Pentagon is already involved in the situation to such an extent that it " added Ukrainian protesters

Overview of the summits of the United States and the USSR

Period of the Cold War

18. – 23 July 1955, Geneva, Switzerland Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, British Prime Minister Anthony Eden and French Prime Minister Edgar Faure present

15 and 26-27 June 1959, Washington, DC and Camp David, United States United First visit to the Soviet leader in the United States of America, Nikita Khrushova received by Dwight D. Eisenhower

16. and May 17, 1960, Paris, France US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Soviet leader Nikito Khrushv discussed together, including British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and French President Charles de Gaulle. Khrushchev left the summit early after a debate over the crash of the U-2 spy plane on Soviet territory in 1960.

3. and 4 June 1961, Vienna, Austria Nikita Khrushchev and the new US President John F. Kennedy met at the Vienna Summit. One of the topics was the Berlin Crisis, resulting in the same year that a wall separating the western and eastern part was developed in Berlin.

22. – US President Richard Nixon, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and Foreign Minister Alexei Kosygin signed the first package of SALT 1 arms control strategic agreements on May 30, 1972, with an agreement on the limitation of Missile defense systems (ABM) 19659003] 18 – 25 June 1973, Washington DC, United States Richard Nixon, Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin signed an agreement on the prevention of nuclear war

28. June – July 3, 1974, Moscow, the Soviet Union Richard Nixon, and Leonid Brezhnev signed an agreement to prevent underground nuclear explosions

23. – On November 24, 1974, Vladivostok, President of the United States Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev, participated in a meeting on arms control

. July – August 2, 1975, Helsinki, Finland Representatives of 35 states, including Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev, signed an agreement establishing the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

15. – June 18, 1979, Vienna, Austria US President Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev signed a SALT II arms restriction agreement. In view of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Americans withdrew from the ratification of a treaty that had not yet entered into force, but both parties followed him from facto

Michail Gorbachev, 1945-1923 [19]. – 21 November 1985, Geneva, Switzerland US President Ronald Reagan and the new Soviet leader Michal Gorbachev met at the Geneva Summit. The subject of the discussion was, among others, the Strategic Defense Initiative (also called "Star Wars", presented by Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983 and being critically criticized by Moscow .) Reykjavík, Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Rebecca and Gorbachev

7 – 10 December 1987, Washington DC, United States It was possible to conclude an agreement on the destruction of missiles with medium and shorter range (INF) [19659005] May 29 – June 1, 1988, US President George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev met the first US Federal Reserve's agreement on the limitation of medium-range nuclear weapons after ratification in the US Senate, Reagan and Gorbachev formally signed [19659005] 2-3 December 1989, Valetta, Malta. once the iron curtain fell and the regimes in the eastern bloc countries, both closed the chapter of the so-called cold war

The Cold War Period [1945902] 3]

May 30 – June 3, 1990, Washington DC, USA Bush and Gorbachev Enter Convention on Chemical Weapons
9 September 1990, Helsinki, Finland Debates on Gorbachev and Bush focused on the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

19. November 1990, Paris, France The two statesmen sign an agreement on the limitation of conventional weapons in Europe
July 17, 1991, London, United Kingdom Bush and Gorbachev attend the G7 summit

30. – On July 31, 1991, Moscow, the Soviet Union George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement on the limitation of strategic nuclear weapons START 1. The agreement entered into force on December 5, 1994, resulting in the reduction the most important nuclear weapons in history. The treaty stipulated that neither party should have deployed more than 6,000 nuclear warheads and more than 1,600 strategic carriers, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarines and bombers

. . – 30 October 1991, Madrid, Spain Bush and Gorbachev participated in the Madrid Conference on the Middle East Peace Process

Overview of the Presidents' Summits of Russia and the United States [19659031] Period of President Jeľcina

26. January 1992, Washington DC, United States
Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited the United States, together with US President Bush, appointed a US-Russia Commission for Prisoners of War and the Forced War

3. January 1993, Moscow, Russia
Bush and Yeltsin signed the START II agreement to limit the number of separate warheads. It has never come into force, but the US Senate has approved it, but the Russian side has suspended the approval process due to the US invasion of Iraq. , military action in Kosovo and the enlargement of NATO

4. April 1993, Vancouver, Canada
Presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin met for the first time. They agreed on financial aid for the construction of democracy in Russia

14. January 1994, Moscow, Russia
Presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Jeľcin have signed a so-called Kremlin Nuclear Weapons Convention and their reprogramming so that their goals are not the United States and Russia

9. and May 10, 1995, Moscow, Russia
Presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Jeľcin attended the European Security Summit

14. March 1996, Šarm aš-Šajch, Egypt
Both representatives took part in the Egyptian summit against terrorism.

20. April 1996, Moscow, Russia
Clinton and Yeltsin met at the Nuclear Safety Summit

21. March 1997, Helsinki, Finland
Clinton and Yeltsin held another European Security Summit in Helsinki

27. May 1997, Paris, France
Clinton and Yeltsin participated in the joint NATO-Russia summit. They signed a joint declaration of Russia and NATO "From Russia as a former enemy of NATO made an ally" . However, Russia has also disagreed with the enlargement of NATO

1. and September 2, 1998, Moscow, Russia
Clinton and Yeltsin agreed to exchange information on plutonium

18. and November 19, 1999, Istanbul, Turkey

The Presidents of Putin and Medvedev

3 The OSCE Summit meeting also addressed the issue of the fight against terrorism in Chechnya and Russia. on June 5, 2000, Moscow, Russia
Bill Clinton met with new Moscow President Vladimir Putin during a visit to Moscow. As the first US President to appear in the state Duma, he criticized the approach of Russian troops in Chechnya

6. September 2000, New York, United States
US President Bill Clinton and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in New York at the Millennium Summit in New York to discuss arms control issues and US missile defense projects challenged by Moscow

. June 2001, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia
Vladimir Putin had a very friendly meeting with the new US President George W. Bush. Putin scored a two-hour meeting at Brdo Castle for "Sincere Dialogue." He declared that the United States and Russia "are not enemies and can become good allies."

May 2002, Moscow, Russia
The two statesmen met at the signing of the Agreement on the Strategic Offensive Weapons Convention (SORT) – An agreement known as the Moscow Treaty also predicts a reduction in the 39, nuclear arsenal at 1700-2200 pounds by 2012.

24. February 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia
Bush and Putin met at a summit in Bratislava. The two men visited the capital of Slovakia for the first time. Bush criticized the level of democracy in Russia at the meeting, Putin assured him that Russia remains a democratic state

1. April 2009, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
New US President Barack Obama met Medvedev for the first time at the G20 summit. They agreed to negotiate a new disarmament treaty and pledged to improve relations between the United States and the United States after they have cooled at worst since the end of the cold war [19659005] 6. July 2009, Moscow, Russia
Barack Obama met during a visit to Russia with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin. The Obama administration has indicated that it wants to launch a new era of US-Russian relations that has reached its lowest level since the Cold War under the reign of US President George W. Bush

. April 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Obama and Medvedev have signed a new START agreement that replaced the START 1 contract. The treaty obliges Russia and the United States to reduce the number of strategic nuclear rifles from 2200 to 1550. It also plans to restore the surveillance system and of control provided for in the previous START contract

19 and 20 November 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
Dmitry Medvedev attended a NATO summit with Obama at a summit conference about a 15-minute private interview

. March 2012, Seoul, South Korea
Obama and Medvedev met at the Nuclear Safety Summit. Part of their interview, which was to be private, captured the microphones

. June 19, 2012, Los Cabos, Mexico
Obama and Putin met before the start of the G-20 summit, among other things, discussed the situation in Syria. The two politicians met for the first time since Putin returned to the post of Russian president. Obama and Putin understand that they need one of the other, according to the AP.

7. August 2013
US President Barack Obama has canceled a planned bilateral meeting with Vladimir Putin to be held at the G20 summit in Moscow in September. Obama's step was an answer to Russia's decision to grant temporary asylum to former National Security Agency (NSA) collaborator, Edward Snowden [19659005] 6. September 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
Obama and Putin participated in the G-20 summit in Petrohrady, but their joint meeting planned before the Moscow summit did not take place

. and September 29, 2015, New York, United States
Very helpful and sincere, Vladimir Putin had a four-eyed meeting with Barack Obama, which lasted about 90 instead of the originally planned 55 minutes, and was held in New York after the two politicians at the 70th General Assembly

7. July 2017, Hamburg, Germany
Vladimir Putin met the new US President Donald Trump for the first time at the G20 summit, the subject of their interview was also the Russian intervention in the US presidential election in 2016.

Source :, TASR News Agency

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