VIEME PRVÍ! Jasmina Alagič, it's TEAM! Rytmus will finally become a proud father!


Raper Patrik Rytmus Vrbovsky (41) admitted a new girlfriend in May this year, which is moderated by Jasmin Alagich (29). This love is like thunder, as evidenced by their common luxury nest, the recent engagements in Bosnia and, in particular, the enormous novelty in their lives. The moderator is in a happy anticipation!

Pair Of Rhythm And Jasmine they are probably the most loved couple of our shoubiznis. They do not feel like they are, any more than their photos, links and common gestures that they can easily publish and share on their social networking profiles. At the end of May, they finally admitted that they were a couple. Many did not give them a great chance, as was the case in the past for the relationship between Rytmus and his ex-Dars Rolins. But now, it turns out that the opposite is true!

Jasmina Alagič.

Jasmina Alagič.

Peter Brenkus

The loving couple began living together in a luxury house in Bratislava and, for weeks, the young host has a guilty engagement ring. The only thing that keeps them in perfect bliss is marriage and the baby.
In the past, Rhythm was part of Darou's drummer and he did not prevent his child from playing, and Rolins shared the same point of view. "Patrik is another guy I want to have another baby with. Of course, it does not matter to him and me, but we want the baby and as soon as possible " she had been interviewed years ago. The couple did not succeed and after seven years, they separated. However, according to our conclusions, this dream will be realized by her fiancé Jasmin Alagich!

The couple was engaged a month ago in Bosnia.

The couple was engaged a month ago in Bosnia.


The relationship between Rhythmus and Jasmine began to deteriorate rapidly when the brunette, after a year of rendering, carried her first baby in the heart. "They got engaged a month ago and Jasmine is already pregnant, and with Patrick, the baby is very happy, they do not want to talk about it at the moment", we learned from a knowledgeable source.
But the presenter did not want to reveal anything in Smolana from last week.

At this point, Rhythm Jasmine has asked for a hand.

At this point, Rhythm Jasmine has asked for a hand.


"I'm not pregnant right now, I do not stop it because it's not news, we'll see how it goes,"played on November 16 in the Miss Universe SR final. In any case, we hold our fingers with our fiance!

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