Viliam Čacho will be the assistant of Miroslav Šatana


He remains the head coach of the team under 18 years old.

21. July 2018 at 21:09 TASR

BRATISLAVA. Viliam Čacho, with the head coach of the hockey team until 18, will also occupy the functions of director of the performances until 15, 16 and 17 years old and l 39; assistant general director of representations

. only as director of HK DUKLA Trenčín, no


In the last season, Miro really had more heads." 19659007] "

Viliam Čacho, Head of Youth Representations

" Before the World Championships on April 18th, we were dealing with General Manager Mirom Shatan because he would be able to solve the problems of the 60s and at the same time Look at next season, finally, the word gave us a word, we have quickly accepted and added to the offer of the main coach of the team until the age of 18, but the details of all my skills related to the post of General Manager "

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"I would like to work in a system similar to the one we had last summer, where we regularly met with the head coach of the company. 39, ice hockey team. Craigom Ramsay I wanted to organize this at the representation level of fifteen to eighteen years old. During these meetings, we would like to work on a unique game system, on a system of selection of players, and thus synchronize all the direction of the representative section. "

See also: Shatan extends the contract with SZHH

of Trenčianska Dukla in the position of assistant at the same time withdrawing from part of the obligations of the Director General Šatana

"In the last season, Miro really had the heads above. Solve & # 39; sixteen & # 39; problems and at the same time the A teams can not be pursued immediately. The break breaks are fixed, for a week the actions have all the representations, which only increases the demand for work. That's why he will be happy to help, and I will help him organize fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, "added Čacho

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