VISOR LABORATORIES-party work urges stop irrational arms race


Bratislava, 11 July 2018 (HSP / Photo: VZDOR)

Representatives of the left-wing extra-parliamentary party VZDOR-a party to work in 2016 in a parliamentary election with the result of 0.12% call for # 39; armament. Billions of euros are supposed to be used to build food self-sufficiency, highways, rental construction, family support, sports, maternity education, education, hospitals , retreats or culture

VZDOR-strana práce

čavičiari who published their revolutionary position through the facebook social network. They respond to the projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic to invest nearly 30 billion euros in the next 12 years

Here is a mechanism of imaginary enemies through which the l 39; NATO and other ministers of the capitalist establishment send fear to the people to be able to control them more easily, and that states in great armor, they spent billions on weapons. Slovakia will invest in the army up to 30 billion euros by 2030! When it comes to arms, there is no problem in finding budgets in the billions of euros when we find funding in the social field, for young families, hospitals, schools, support for workers, apartments, sports, culture, etc. (19459016) Vzdor – the work of the party says clearly, not billions of euros for weapons, but to build food self-sufficiency

We say unarmed and we want rather invest these funds in agriculture, highway construction, highway construction, highway construction, highway construction, new homes, family support, social services , health, education, or culture!

We can not agree that people in the name of some capital and geo political chess games fought against each other. We can not do that. We must make it clear that we are a peaceful Europe, that we are in a peaceful world, that we are for the peaceful coexistence of nations. This nation is not our enemy.

All of this is appropriate for capitalists. It suits them when people and nations hate each other. The war is a good business for the arms industry. But at the same time, the ruined landscape is a good deal for other industries because it will cause economic growth, new market revolutions, new stock markets.

No one will ever hate another nation, no one will lead us to a fratricidal war! We always embrace our brothers and will never be our enemies. On the contrary, we have always encouraged and supported the efforts of the peoples of the world to liberate themselves from the capital jar that regularly leads humanity to wars [196599015] -page

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