Vladimír Mečiar can join the competitors of Kotleb


Slovak Prime Minister Triple Vladimir Meciar announces his return. The former leader of HZDS would like to try again in politics. TV Markieza said that he certainly did not want to run for president, but that he was considering "going into politics".

Mečiar spoke in several ways in a similar sense, but the serious media did not notice his courageous statements. The plot site "hlavnespravy.sk" has already written in March that Meciar announces the emergence of a national political subject

The former Prime Minister announced it at the conference state defense and security, which was attended by representatives of the far-right movement and Jozef Prokeš. CSSD

"If such a body is not formed, there will be no change that most citizens expect," said Meciar.

Responding to questions from the audience, whether on this side or on his own,.

The Slovak Renaissance Movement

What does it mean? (19659002) According to Aktuality.sk, Mečiar has been in communication for a long period of pre-election cooperation with the Slovak Renewal Movement (SHO) led by Róbert Švec [19659002] The movement is not an unknown term on our far right scene. The members of the civic association, founded in 2004, are well-known fanatics of the Slovak Republic and its president Jozef Tis

The murder of Ján Kuciak

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Švec is a great rival and critic of Kotleb. With his SHO, he would like to go through the elections to the National Council. Currently he is collecting signatures not only for the registration of the party but also for his candidacy for the presidency.

Švec appeared alongside Mečiar at the security conference. According to our information, Mečiar should not enter the OHSS. However, Šveca could have imagined himself as a partner in a possible pre-electoral coalition

Lexov's lawyer

Mečiar maintains close relations with an already existing party. The National Coalition, led by Slav Vorobelová in the presidential election, supports Stephan Harabin, former Minister of Justice for HZDS

The party's vice president is Marek Para, who was the lawyer Ivan Leu in the case of kidnapping Michal Kováč ml. to foreigners. Para today is a leading criminal lawyer, his clientele is wide. He also represents Filip Rybanić – the assistant member of SaS Jozef Rajtar, who is accused of lifting the bank account of ex-minister Roberto Kaliňák.

In addition, Para was represented today by the death-sentenced leader of Emperors Róbert Lališ aka Kýbl. His client is also expolitik and former director of Marquis Pavol Russia, accused of ordering the murder of a former partner and accused of falsification of bills with Marián Kočner

Another vice president of the new party is Sergej Kozlík, the former finance minister Meciarov

is also a critic of LSNS. Kotleb says that he has chosen to run for president, thanks to which he judges the national power.

Rostasa Project

Well, finally, there is a so-called "National Conference This is not a political party, but it can happen in the future." The head of the mischievous magazine Earth and Age Tibor E. Rostas is ruled by it

The national conference even created something like an obscure government Miroslav Jurena, who led the ministry as HZDS candidate in the first Fic government, became the Guarantor of the agricultural sector Even the National Conference supported Štefan Harabin and criticized the LSNS

In all three cases, these are the subjects interested in the LSNS elector.According to our information, it is not not excluded that these parties or initiatives are joined and will go to the parliamentary elections with a candidate.In the meantime, Mečiar could help

Can Meciar help him

According to the political scientist Tomáš Nociar, who is taking care of the extremist scene, the support or the Vladimir Meciar's possible activity may bring some publicity to this marginal political initiative

At the same time, however, it may be somewhat discredited in the eyes of their target group

. "This is because Meciar and politicians in general are in this camp perceived in ambiguity – on the one hand, with some nostalgia as representatives of this current in Slovak politics who it is against the liberal and cosmopolitan values ​​against which these initiatives are defined, but also as politicians who have a lot of filth under their fingernails and are therefore co-responsible for the negative phenomena in Slovak society ", thinks Nociar. ! 19659028] Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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