Volkswagen sold more than three million cars in six months


The second half of the year will be more difficult. says the director of sales

6. July 2018 at 17:31 TASR

WOLFSBURG. During the first half, Volkswagen sold for the first time more than three million passenger cars, Europe and South America doing the most. World sales rose 6.3 percent year-over-year to 3.12 million cars

. The brand sold 534,000 vehicles in June, 4.2% more than in June 2017.

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] The second half of the year year will be more demanding

See also: Volkswagen promises the smallest SUV. T-Cross will call

. In China, which is the largest market for the Volkswagen brand, sales fell 1.7% in June. The reason may be the reluctance of buyers who expect since July 1 a reduction in import duties of 25 to 15%. 19659002 Since the beginning of the year, Volkswagen has sold more than 6% more vehicles per year. The total business figure of China is about 48%

"The second half of the year will be much more difficult," warns sales manager, Jürgen Stackmann. "The transition to the WLTP test cycle should delay some models."

Manufacturers prepare models for the WLTP cycle

Car manufacturers are currently trying to quickly prepare all models and their variants for a WLTP test cycle restrictive. September

This cycle aims to provide more realistic data on consumption and emissions

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