Volvo and Uber introduced the fully autonomous XC90 SUV as a taxi


Thousands of other cars are added.

GÖTEBORG, SAN FRANCISCO. Swedish automakers and Volvo Uber taxis are preparing their first autonomous car. This is a modified Volvo XC90.

During the three years of development, they gradually introduced various prototypes of autonomous vehicles in order to return them to normal traffic as quickly as possible. Now, the right moment has come.

The presented car is equipped with various safety features that facilitate the installation of an autonomous Uber driving system. This is the American taxi service that opens up new possibilities with this step.

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In the near future, Uber will be able to operate a fleet of autonomous vehicles in its carpooling service.

The standalone Volvo XC90 is powered by a variety of backup systems for steering and braking functions, as well as by the system.
backup battery.

These systems are designed so that, in case of failure of one of the main ones, they immediately hit the backup and stop the car safely. In addition, a number of autonomous drive system sensors are integrated to ensure reliable operation and maneuvering in urban areas.

Soon, thousands more will be added

According to a contract signed by Volvo and Uber in 2016, the standalone serial vehicle is only a partial result. In the coming years, tens of thousands of other vehicles will be delivered ready for autonomous driving.

"We believe that autonomous driving technologies will enable us to further enhance the level of safety that underpins our brand philosophy," said Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of Volvo Cars.

"We expect that one-third of our cars will be sold to fully autonomous vehicles in the middle of the next decade," added Samuelsson.

The Swedish automaker would like to use the newly created autonomous vehicle concept also for future generations of its models built on the SPA2 platform.

These technologies include features that allow autonomous driving without
human surveillance in clearly defined areas such as highways or city bypasses.

Others must also be autonomous

At the same time, Volvo believes that driverless driving technologies can make a significant contribution to road safety for society when all vehicles are autonomous.

In the meantime, they should make driving more enjoyable for drivers, for example by taking care of ordinary tasks such as starting and stopping in traffic jams.

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