VW caught another director of BMW


Volkswagen won another BMW executive in its ranks. Herbert Diess is currently at the head of the entire VW group, Markus Duesmann, after the arrest of Rupert Stadler, takes over the Audi.

Volkswagen (VW), the German automotive company, announced Tuesday that Markus Duesmann, currently responsible for the purchase and delivery of BMW's competing car, would become a new member of his board of directors. # 39; administration.

Duesmann is the second highest-rated BMW VW, after the departure of Herbert Diess in July 2015. Diess became the executive director of the VW group in April 2009.

"Mr. Duesmann will take up his new duties as soon as possible, "VW said in its statement. The BMW car added that Duesmann had already informed the chairman of his board that she would not extend the contract in the company.

The German daily Handelsblatt wrote that Volkswagen wanted Duesmann to become the director of the Audi subsidiary after the arrest of former managing director Rupert Stadler. However, Duesmann can not take over Audi while Stadler does not formally withdraw. Stadler was temporarily replaced until he remained in custody to suspect that he interfered with the investigation of excessive emissions from cars. VW and Audi recall in this regard that Stadler is considered innocent until proven otherwise


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