Vyplastikovaná Češka znovu na surgery: Nechal if zkrátit tvář … FOTO přímo z operace!


A year and a half ago, the media started broadcasting news that the Czech Republic has its first living Barbie. Only 17-year-old Gabriel Jiráčková began to transform himself into this post. At that time, it was just mejkapom and clothes, but little by little she had to put implants or make silicone ears in the pier. And today …

A week ago, we told Topki that he had a lot more in the plan. "First of all, the narrowing of the area between the jaw and the neck, the filling of the cheekbones and the contour of the whole face.It is filled with botox sites and a lot hyaluronic acid, where there is something extra or something missing, " told Gabriel Super.com.

Well, and the first of the interventions she's already done – Friday, she let her face cut the thread. Blonde felt that her cameras added kilos. "I am sure I have an optically thinner face", did not bother Jiránek, who is still waiting for the belt to be narrowed and padding in the back. Well, it seems that Gabriel will not only look like the artificial doll soon, but it is also slowly becoming real.

Gabriel Jiráčková narrowed his face Friday

  Vyplastikovaná Češka again on

Source: Profimedia

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