WE CONSIDER: The Salmonella bacteria can destroy the temperature by 75 degrees for ten minutes


The number of microorganisms is particularly beneficial for heat. Hygiene advises on how to prevent the risk of infection

  Illustration Illustration to article RADIM: Salmonella bacillus can destroy the temperature of 75 degrees in ten minutes



Salmonellosis is transmitted not only insufficiently heat treated
contaminated meats, chicken eggs and serving dishes
the preparation of the house adds raw eggs but also poorly cleaned
vegetables and fruits. "Salmonella can destroy the temperature
75 degrees in ten minutes, "
says Milada Syčová,
Head of Unit of the National Reference Center and Laboratory of
food contact material, Regional Office
public health service in Poprad


The most appropriate temperature for the spread of pathogenic microorganisms that are
able to induce the disease is 37 degrees Celsius. The decisive indicator
Food safety is the storage temperature. "Especially ak
we are talking about food to pay quickly. For this to be avoided
the multiplication of microorganisms at the level that would result
illness after eating food, or making food premature
they have not punished, it is important not to expose them even if they are durable
sun, high temperatures and consumed as soon as possible. the sustainable
meat products such as sausages or sausages melt and heat by heat
the fats are exhausting. If the meat can overheat, the quality may be impaired
the coherence of the internal content ",
explained Mr Syčová. sure
trips, nature trips and bathing tips to remember
possible contamination of food by insects or rodents

Attention also to fruits and vegetables

The expert recommends paying attention to the fruits and heat in the heats
vegetables. "For example, species with high water content at
overheating may be faster, softer, softened and bleeding, "


The prevalence of salmonellosis is particularly high.
April and May More than 270 people

According to Iveta Trusková, Head of Health Protection and Support
living and working environment of the public health service of the Slovak Republic
children, the elderly and people with weakened children are most at risk

How to prevent infection

The man can avoid the risk of infection when he does not consume food
of unknown origin, vegetables and fruit insufficiently washed, insufficient
meals or foods heat-treated after the date of consumption. During treatment
food is important to maintain cleanliness and thorough washing of your hands.
Salmonella bacteria can be moved from the raw meats that enter
contact with cooked. Food and leftovers should be in summer
only carried in bags with cooling inserts

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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