We expect the longest eclipse of the moon in this century


People can expect to observe the astronomical phenomenon that they will probably never see for life.

After a three-year break, we will be able to see the complete eclipse of the moon again on Friday night, July 27th. And it will not be an eclipse but the longest complete eclipse of the moon in this century, because the complete eclipse phase will last nearly 104 minutes

Just for comparison, it took only 73 minutes there is three years old. The extraordinary length of the eclipse is given by the fact that the Moon is very close to the center of the shadow (so-called umbra) of the Earth. In case of favorable weather conditions, it will also be possible to observe all its course in Slovakia

The eclipse data in the table are in summer time (LSEČ) in form of. hour: min

The complete eclipse of the Moon on July 27 : min LSEČ Height of the Moon above the horizon

Start of a partial eclipse


Beginning of the light Ext


: 22


End of the complete eclipse

23 : 13


End of the partial eclipse

00:19, July 28

at 20:24 at the time of partial partial exacerbation.

This is a good opportunity for photographers and hunters of interesting images to obtain the nocturnal composition of the moon in eclipses with the landscape of the surrounding countryside or buildings

disaster will end on Saturday, July 28 about 20 minutes after midnight. Another complete lunar eclipse occurs Monday, January 21, 2019, and its full phase will last 102 minutes.

Earth and Earth

The lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Earth's shadow falls on the surface of the moon. It occurs in time around completion, when the moon, in its orbital motion, approaches the extended Sun-Earth connector and enters the Earth's shadow

This does not occur. is not a shadow of the Earth's surface, a geometric shadow but a shadow influenced by the atmosphere of the Earth. If the Earth was free of atmospheres, the Earth's shadow would be lined, homogenous, and could not see it in the moon

However, without eclipses, shading or lightening. darkening of the lunar disk is complete; its center is reddish and the border is gray. The properties of each shadow point depend on the parts of the Earth's atmosphere traversed by the sun's rays

. The change in the refractive index with the height of the Earth at its geometric shadow is all the more important as it gets closer to the surface of the Earth. The most distorted violet and blue rays

The light of the light that passes through the atmosphere is so widespread that it can light up the entire lunar disc slightly in the shadow of the Earth [19659003] In the inner part of the shadow there is another variation the blue color of the sky of day) as well as the dispersion on the dust and the clouds

Thus the violet and blue rays are the most low compared to red and orange, which then prevail in the sunlight. The process of density (and thus the refractive index) of the atmospheric and aerial dust are very variable and therefore the brightness and the color of the Moon are slightly different at each eclipse

Fragmentation and diffusion of sunlight in the atmosphere



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A view of the eclipse of the Sun since the Moon

Observations of eclipses in the past we found the link between the size of the Earth's shadow, the color of monthly eclipses on the one hand and the volcanic and meteoric activity on the other hand, which condition the amount of dust in an upper atmosphere of about 100 km and therefore the dispersion of curvature and light

Earth in places where the sun comes out or goes down at the very moment of eclipse. These are the morning and evening rays that color the center of the moon's disc at the time of the eclipse in a characteristic reddish shade

Let's spend a moment from the Earth to the side of the Moon, as it crosses the moon. Shadow of the Earth. The French astronaut Lucien Rudaux, who lived between 1874 and 1947, realized the point of view of the astronaut.

At that time, the astronaut saw the sun shine, the edge of the black disk covering the red and white ring of morning and evening visions. would surround the pearl white crown of the sun. For Astronaut, the surrounding lunar landscape, with its reddish color, would look like the surface of Mars.


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The shadow that falls from the Earth

A much less striking phenomenon is the flattening of the Earth's shadow, which is predictable because the Earth is slightly flattened. The actually observed flattening of the Earth's shadow is much larger than the Earth itself. This can be explained by the flattening of the atmosphere caused by the rotation of the Earth and the higher density of the cold polar atmosphere.

Precise astronomical observations of the lunar eclipse have measured 2 to 4 times more flattening of the atmosphere. As can be seen, the lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon, but it denies the atmosphere of the Earth and concerns astronomy, geophysics and meteorology

From the point of view From the Earth 's observer, the Earth' s shadow is advancing from east to west. This shows that the Moon actually moves from west to east

But we see its apparent movement from the eastern horizon to the west. This impulse gives us the rotation of the earth. The circular shape of the Earth's shadow on the moon has led Greek astronomers to conclude that the Earth is a balloon.

A beautiful experience of eclipse viewing will give a view through a trigeon, a hunting telescope or tourism. 19659026] Starry Light Maps

Located in the sky above the south and southwest horizons at 22:22, the peak stars are mapped. The moon will be at this time in the constellation Capricorn

Under the Mesiacom to the horizon, it will be striking with its reddish color of the planet Mars. To the right of them lies the planet Saturn, which will then be in the constellation Strelec

Towards this constellation is the center of our galaxy, whose disk we see in the crossing to the sky as the Way Milky. without light pollution of the night sky, which becomes increasingly rare

Even further west, it will be possible to see the star Antares striking with its glowing and flickering light.

The next map of the stars shows the situation on the southwest horizon, where the far right Antares will shine brightly on the planet Jupiter, which will be the case during the constellation of Libra

More information about eclipses are on the news site of the Astronomical Institute of SAS, vvi


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