We expect the longest eclipse of the moon in this century, the celestial theater will last several hours


BRATISLAVA, July 25 (WebNoviny.sk) – After three years, we are waiting for a complete eclipse . It will take place on the evening of Friday 27 July and it will be the longest eclipse Moon of this century, as the phase changes last almost 104 minutes. Three years ago, it only took 73 minutes.

An eclipse of extraordinary length is due to the fact that the Moon will pass very close to the center of the Shadow of the Earth. In case of good weather, it will also be possible to observe all its course in Slovakia. The moon will appear above the horizon around 8:24 pm at the start of the partial eclipse

Astronomical phenomenon

The catastrophe will end on Saturday, July 28 about 20 minutes after midnight. Another complete eclipse The moon will be in the morning Monday, January 21, 2019, and its full phase will last 102 minutes, according to the press release. on the surface of the moon. It occurs in time around the splint when the moon, during its orbital motion, approaches the extended Sun-Earth connector and enters the Earth's shadow.

"The observation eclipsed in the past revealed a relationship of a share, and volcanic and meteoric activity, on the other hand, which condition the amount of dust in an upper atmosphere at a height of about 100 km and thus the curvature and dispersion of light. Observing monthly eclipses it is possible to determine the degree of total dust removal and pollution of the earth's atmosphere in places where Sunrise Sunrise or Fall, " near the horizon

In addition, he explains that a much less striking phenomenon is the flattening of the Earth's shadow, which can be expected because the Earth is slightly flattened. The actually observed flattening of the Earth's shadow is much larger than the Earth itself. This can be explained by the flattening of the atmosphere caused by the rotation of the earth and the higher density of the cold polar atmosphere

From the point of view of l '. Earth observer, the Earth's shadow advances the Moon from its eastern end to the west. "This proves that the Moon is actually moving from west to east, but we perceive its apparent movement from the eastern horizon to the west, which gives us the rotation of the earth. The circular shape of the Earth's shadow on the moon led some old Greek astronomers to conclude that the Earth is a ball.A beautiful viewing experience The Extraction will give a view through a trigear, binocular hunting or sightseeing, which can be attached to a tripod or other improvised support, " the eclipse will take place relatively near the horizon. This is a good opportunity for photographers and photo hunters interesting to obtain the nocturnal composition of the moon in 1945. eclipse with landscapes or surrounding buildings [19659015] Jupiter will shine

The moon will be in apogee o 22:22 to find in the recipient Capricorn. Under the Mesiacom, towards the horizon, the reddish color of Mars will be striking. To their right, directly above the southern point will be the planet Saturn, which will be the constellation Strelec

In the direction of this constellation is the center of our galaxy, which we will see the curve in the sky as the Milky Way. (19659016) Archeology "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-81×54.jpg 81w, https: //cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-676×451.jpg 676w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-768×512.jpg 768w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-992×661.jpg 992w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158 -160×107.jpg 160w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-312×208.jpg 312w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07 /thinkstockphotos-927826158-672×448.jpg 672w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thinkstockphotos-927826158-120×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # a98460 "/>

Further to the right, the star Antares can be seen with its flickering glowing light.This is a starry genre, who is The brightest star in the Scorpion constellation. On the right of Antares, the planet Jupiter, which will be at the time of the constellation Libra, will be brightly lit.

Further information on eclipses is available on the SAV Astronomy Institute website: www.astro.sk/news/. [19659020] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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