we had euphoria, tears and catarrhs


This year's Pohoda would be a peaceful slogan: from euphoria to tears to catharsis. The tears of happiness, joy and sadness were seen on the stairs and below them.

When we were talking to friends about what the festivals were all about, the words were like good music, beer, carefree fun, freedom without borders, pretty women and friendly men

under the Slovakian sky we can say about Pohode 2018. Although it's only a fraction!

The Trenčín Airport Festival, which closed yesterday, brings a lot more. The message of freedom, tolerance and protection of nature that was crossed by performances, discussions, workshops and artistic installations came under our skin

First on Pohoda

We were the first time on Pohode. We wanted to discover the music festival on our own skin and discover what people are fascinated about Pohoda. Why are they back while most are in tents? Personal hygiene is despite the efforts of the organizers in combat conditions, there are long hints for beer, the sun burns in red or not, before the rain you hide.

At the end of the festival, we understood what Pohoda supported, bringing back thousands of people to Trencin, many with their own children. Although not everything is perfect. But it's actually life – timeless values ​​in the midst of an imperfect world.


photos in the galleries

Source: Branislav Wáclav / Aktuality.sk

] Why do we say yes

C & # 39 is the first festive morning and we ask: "So what are we starting?"

The program is full of big names and lesser known artists. When we look at a busy range, however, we agree to start ordering – coffee early in the morning.

While some are the beer of the day, we stay with the classic. Good news for all "coffee makers" is that there is no need for quality on Pohode. And it's not just a coffee problem. Although this may seem unlikely, the festival is a show of excellent street food and a true gourmand.

When we have money, the price of the ticket should not be appreciated by everyone – a three-day ticket costs from 69 to 99 euros, depending on when you buy it [19659003] you can see world musicians such as The Chemical Brothers, Jamie Cullum, LP, Sixto Rodriguez and St. Louis. Vincent, not to mention dozens of other groups and inspiring artists, you will understand that it could be worse.

  Jamie Collum

add in the photo gallery

We were surprised by the number of attractions we could try for free. From the beginning, we honestly admit that although Pohoda is mainly music, we used it. We tested virtual reality

It was interesting to see how our brain can play with us. For example, the skyscraper jump did not manage to manage even more powerful guys. The virtual pleasure did not appear without shouting and questioning: "If I jump, I die or do it only in my head?"

Strong stories, strong emotions

The Festival of Pohoda, proud of the multicultural attribute, is no less and especially about music. At Trenčín airport, you will find groups you did not know, and you will not be able to imagine your "ja" without them.

This is also the case in our case. We fell in love with British Jamie Cullum, 164 cm tall, who discovered for us the charm of jazz and jumped to the Bazookas with her typical yellow bus. And that's only the beginning

However, we enjoyed some names well before the festival. Our personal poster head included the songwriter forgot and rediscovered Sixto Rodriguez. American of Mexican origin, who worked years ago with construction work and now sells concert podiums, has made us into kings.

His concert was about to begin the ninth evening. It was five minutes after the singer did not come. The atmosphere of agitation, the giant crowd under the podium, was inspired by the artist, many had cell phones ready for the moment of arrival.

And the main character of the documentary Oscar Searching for Sugar Man has filled all our ideas and dreams of a musical encounter with a man with the most amazing story of contemporary pop music. Without a long introduction, he sat down on the stool and began to play. We had tears in our eyes when we had songs like Wonder or Sugar Man overnight.

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#AllForJan: The Monument to John and Martin

This year's Pohoda also included the memory of a tragic event that forced tens of thousands of people into the streets and forced Robert Fico to leave the government. The murder of the journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancé, the archaeologist Martina Kušnířová on discussions, concerts and art installations

This was the most intense discussion with Jozef Kuciak, with Zlatica Kušnírová, with Petr Bárdy and Jan Petrovich

tears, pain, hope and catharsis. For all the words of Joseph Kuciak, the sword of Jankov: "The leaves have also gone to us. Some have been written to pray and forgive. But first I have to know who to forgive. "


photos in the galleries

Source: Aktuality.sk/Branislav Wáclav

The organizers of Pohoda try every year to Add something that will increase the comfort of visitors, and this year we talked a lot about the flush toilets we know, the fact is that we could not test them

we have showered since our friends have been listening for a few years to show that there are hot showers on the Pohoda, even if you have to watch them if they do not want to stop in the # 39, infinite order of the morning, we looked forward to you.

The Pohoda Festival does not deal with dumps such as showers or toilets, but from the experience of music, the discovery of new stories strong and exceptional encounters morning “/>

add to gallery [1 9659043] Welcome to the sun and new love

It's Sunday morning and the drummers welcome the sun. We sit next to each other, drink beer and enjoy the last atmosphere of the festival. We all got used to it

In addition to the hot taste of beer on the tongue, all of us in crazy outfits, laughter on all sides, and the feeling that we are all friends have grown to heart. Repeat this feeling even for a year

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