We know the beauties at the Moët festival 2018 in Karlovy Vary: Sinful sexi Krainová, Verešová and others


53rd The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival was full of nobility, prestige and, of course, feminine beauty.

  We once again know the beauties of the Moët festival 2018 in Karlovy Vary again this year "title =" We know again the beauties of the festival of Moët 2018 in Karlovy Vary again this year "/> 
<p style= We once again know the beauties of Moët Festival 2018 in Karlovy Vary again this year

Source: Profimedia

This year, the luxury festival of Moët & Chandon marked this year the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. 19659006] Do not miss it: Karlovy Vary's starry dresses: Jagr shows a young girlfriend, the Slovak actress is the focus of attention

Simona Krainová

Simona Krainová chooses sexy black dresses that have been revealed to her in a very sophisticated way by combining simple accessories with an extraordinary look. "

Andrea Verešová

The model Andrea Verešová really shone tonight. She looked like a princess. The dress perfectly copied its impeccable silhouette, highlighting its softness and femininity.

Natália Kotková

This beauty acted like a true ethereal fairy. Fine, powdery color just added to the whole look. Wau, perfect!

Ivana Chýlková

The Czech actress Ivana Chýlková came down on the immortal combination of red and black. And she did really well. She looked good!

Anna Kameníková

Anna Kameníková was unpredictable tonight. She chose a simple satin dress with a separate application. She was naturally and mysteriously at the same time, awesome!

Tonya Graves

Tonya Graves chooses a white dress in combination with black. She could not do better. This model has highlighted its merits and looked great!

Would you like to know: Beautiful model Andrea Verešová appreciates fairy tale life: t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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