We know who to replace Adel and Dangla in Milujem Slovakia


An unexpected surprise! The longtime captains of the teams I love Slovakia are Dano Dangl (43) and Adela Vincze (37).

After confirming to New Time that after five years they decided to take a break, the question of who would fill the empty space would remain in the air. In recent months there have been ferocious talks in the corridors of RTVS public hall, where various names of Slovak sculpture have been found. Finally, according to information from New Time, the choice was to fall on the actress Zuzana Šebová (36) and the singer Maria Kuly Kollár (47)

Dangl and Vincze were part of the six series of I Love Slovakia and the favorite couple. Eventually, however, they decided to say goodbye to the story. The RTVS, which sent the show, had to carefully consider who will offer their captains to the competitions. "Several well-known personalities were envisaged, but certainly referred to Šebová and Kuly – they had to agree with them," revealed the source of New Time with the fact that the official decision should fall in the next days. 19659004] Šebová “/> Open the Gallery

Dangl heard about the tumult of selecting new members. "I know that there are still discussions and names that are falling, it was over. I can not tell them, I have not been there for two weeks, so there have been changes that I do not know yet, " told New Time the former captain.

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But it's a fact that anyone who has ever visited a site of different candidates is already known. "Since the names of the captains are not yet officially known, I will not comment now," reacted Martin Nicodemos, the moderator of the series, who has already known who will be his new colleagues. A former captain holds their thumb. "Let's be the new captain of everyone, the base is to play and enjoy it." I believe the new wind will benefit and I will follow the advice of thousands of other spectators, "said Vincze

But for new players, it's supposed to be a big surprise. "I do not have any information yet," Kuly said when New Time approached him, and in the same vein, said his manager, Michal Malicher. The television itself, which plans to broadcast in the fall, has kept the beaver secret for several months. "As we have already informed several times, we will inform everything in time," said Erika Rusnáková, spokesperson of the RTVS, to the new team captains margo

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