We managed to avoid a war with the United States, rejoicing at the EU | economy


The United States and the European Union have agreed to seek zero tariffs and zero subsidies for industrial products, excluding cars. US President Donald Trump said after meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

The EU will start buying a lot of soybeans from the United States and importing more liquefied gas to the United States. United. J. Juncker described the meeting as constructive and said that both sides agreed not to introduce new tariffs in the upcoming negotiations.

"We met at the White House to begin a new phase in relations between the United States and the European Union, a phase of close friendship, strong business relations which will benefit both parties, "he said. at Donald Trump's press conference.

He added that if the United States and the EU join, they can make the world a better and safer place. Recently, the US president has called the EU one of many enemies that the United States has when they talked about "what they do to us in the store".

"We will also work to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products and soybeans," added the US president.

D. In his words, Trump was also in agreement with MC Juncker to start discussions on reducing bureaucracy in trade, but also on joint efforts to reform the World Organization of the Economy (WTO). "We will also resolve the issue of tariffs on steel and aluminum and retaliate," concluded Trump without giving details.

There is also a reform of the WTO

J. C. Juncker confirmed his words at the press conference. "If one of the parties does not stop, we refrain from imposing other duties and reevaluate the existing tariffs for steel and aluminum," said the President of the European Commission without further details. "It was a good and constructive meeting," he added.

Later, he wrote to the Twitters: "I fell out of agreement, we concluded a deal, the EU continues to advocate a free and fair trade."

Applause of the economic advisers at a press conference of the White House [regulatorycooperationWealsowanttointensifyourworkontheWTO-format»arésuméCeciliaMalmströmommissioneroftheEuropeanCommissionfromtheresultsoftheunionJunckeraccompaniedWashington

The result of the negotiations has already been collected by both politicians, among others, by the German Minister of Economy, Peter Altmaier. "Breakthrough breakthrough to avoid the war and save millions of jobs! It's great for the global economy," he wrote on Twitters.

The motto of motorcycles and jeans should resonate

The debates of JC Juncker and D. Trump focused on the trade conflict generated by the customs burden on European goods, which could lead to the transatlantic customs and trade war .

D. Trump first imposed tariffs on European aluminum and steel, Brussels reacted by "retaliatory" measures, that is to say duties on the EU. importing a wide variety of American products, including jeans, food and Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Washington then announced that it was considering paying high fees on imports of European cars. In response, according to the Financial Times, the European Commission has prepared an inventory of goods that could possibly cover a second round of customs measures

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