We should all think of these words


We should not ignore them just for the views on Stephen Hawking. This is his big warning for humanity.

Humanity is on the road to disaster or the stars

Professor Hawking was fully aware of the need for human choice. It's about the personal choice of all of us if humanity completely disappears or travels through the universe. But humanity in the next millennium will face many threats. Global warming, nuclear war or the growing power of viruses. But the only thing we can do is depend on ourselves

We must begin to move

It is surprising for someone Stephen Hawking was also interested in the problem of contemporary humanity such as obesity. Although he had spent most of his life in a wheelchair, he was aware of the importance of the movement. He has seen that people are slow to avoid moving, but they travel short distances, which can have a very negative impact on the health of society as a whole in the long run. "We are going a lot and not much moving," said .

Source: Unsplash

Artificial intelligence will replace us soon

Artificial intelligence is part of almost every area of ​​our lives. It does not simplify life in the field of technology, but we even go to bed. But Hawking saw a double-sided weapon in it.

He was afraid we had crossed the imaginary point of no return. In one of the interviews for the magazine Wired said a sentence that literally froze: "The gin came out of the bottle.I worry that one day there will be artificial intelligence can replace us completely. " Perhaps his words are not just a pessimistic prediction, but they are more true than we would be.

Source: Unsplash

Extraterrestrials we will not be favorably inclined

Hawking was convinced that extraterrestrial civilizations would not want to have friendly relations with landowners. There was virtually no doubt about the existence of strangers. On the contrary. He claimed that the older he was, the more he was sure we were not alone. Therefore, in the future, our colossal expeditions to Mars or other planets should not completely fall into our minds.

The experts will not be needed soon

Hawking knew that scientists are going through difficult times. In the sea hoaxes and alarms, the experts lose their jobs. But this is not the most important reason why we are passing scientists to the second track. Even artificial intelligence will be aware of troublesome problems and will try to find the most accurate answers to scientific questions.

In the end, however, the question arises that many people are concerned. If artificial intelligence replaces us, what will human life have a meaning or a price? For the moment, no technology is capable of emotion and we firmly believe that it will remain so.

Source: Pixabay

Source: interez.sk

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