Well-known actor of M.A.S.H. announced that he had Parkinson's disease


The American actor Alan Alda (82 years old) announced Tuesday that he was suffering from Parkinson's disease.

Actor known for his role in the cult series M.A.S.H. He therefore spoke on CBS morning television, while he was approaching that this neurodegenerative illness had diagnosed him three and a half years ago. After the announcement, he also expressed the hope that his diagnosis will be devoted to the tabloids

Alda also said that as part of his illness, he does not feel anger and sees it as a challenge . Since he was discovered by his doctors, he continued his work as an actor and gave interviews.

But one of them recently remarked with a record that he was shaking his thumb and was afraid to inform the media soon. That's why he decided to publish the report himself

The actor added that revealing his diagnosis could also be beneficial for other people suffering from the same disease because they would be able to realize that there are still things I can do [19659005]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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