We'll see a smartphone rocking for a few months!


Samsung Sketch Sketch

Many consumer electronics manufacturers are working on sophisticated designs that convert existing smartphones into practical puzzles. An exception is not even the company Samsung who wants to crack down on this still unknown segment

The first smartphone compilation of the Korean giant will see in the beginning the 39 ;next year. Consider the event Mobile World Congress 2019 when he could see the light of the world next to the early flagship Galaxy S10 . Engadget this tangled novelty this time holds a trusted American slice The Wall Street Journal . [19659005] Samsung will launch a foldable screen phone in early 2019 https://t.co/FJ0zp7z1GK

– Engadget (@engadget) July 18, 2018

Unusually converted mobile phone with Samsung brand will offer up to 7-inch screen but if the user just breaks it in the middle, it puts it in a much more compact form in a split second.

One of the sides of the folding structure can also display information in a compact form, because it must be found secondary display

and it can be loaded into a small pocket, with dimensions significantly smaller or with a lower resolution. (19659010) (function (d, s, id) {19659010] {function (d, s, id)
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