What are the differences in the habits of the users of Android and iOS?


The fact is that iPhones are spending more on apps. This is not new, we have already informed you in this article. New research now reveals the biggest differences in the habits of users of one or the other platform. Please note that 800 users of both operating devices participated in the research

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Applications Store viewed by more iOS users

20% of iOS users reported that the App Store was checked every day, 32% or more once a week. This is a lot more than Android users. Only 9% of the Play Store each day, with 21% of Android users opening at least once a week. A simple explanation could be the fact that iPhones always come with the best components, while the variants of Android smartphones are really different. We find the most expensive and powerful devices, but on the other hand smartphones that do not even support 100 €. Many of them only serve basic operations such as phone calls, sending SMS or using basic applications.

Find a store is not so popular

When looking for a suitable application, only 17% of users rely on an integrated search in the app stores. They are more likely to search with the help of an internet browser. Only a third of users find the application they are looking for. Once they have found the application, it's time to decide whether it should be downloaded or whether it is worth it to be paid. For Android users, the most important critics are the makers, and the makers decide again based on the number of features that the application contains

The most basic factor is the price [19659007ThetwopartiesareinagreementThemostimportantfactoristheirpriceMostofthemhavetheirbudgetthatisreadytopayfortheapplicationAtthistimeitsfunctionsoraddedvaluearenotthemostimportantIfthepriceoftheapplicationexceedsthebudgetitsimplycannotdownloaditUsersonbothplatformspreferasinglepurchasebeforemakingpurchasesdirectlyinanapporgame

Top paid users install paid apps

The biggest difference between fans of these two systems is the number of paid apps installed. About half of iOS users say they have more than 5. As for Android users, only 19% of them have bought at least 5 apps or paid games

These results are not so surprising. When you consider that iPhones are expensive devices, those who buy it will probably have no problem paying a few euros for a good application or a good game. For example, pay $ 5 per application is different if your phone costs € 200 because it costs € 1000. Paid apps are one of the reasons why fans do not want to go to Android.