What did Kiska say at the NATO Summit?


The opening negotiations of the current NATO summit in Brussels dispelled concerns over serious conflicts between allies and confirmed the desire for unity and solidarity of the United States. North Atlantic alliance.

Andrej Kiska, President of the Slovak Republic, declared it after the end of the first round of the two-day summit of the Alliance. The president admitted that the summit was concerned about the atmosphere and the working atmosphere of the negotiations, but the first part, despite the signal of some contradictions between the Allies, confirmed the desire for unity and solidarity. "No one has questioned these fundamental words," says Kiska .

He explains that the next message is that allies associate common values, and if we can share them, we can defend them together. He argued that one of the first speeches was made by US President Donald Trump, who pointed out that his parents were coming from Europe and that he would do everything for the unity of the country. 39 and Alliance for the Defense of Peace in Europe and the World ]

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"Trump addressed the cost of defense of the countries and acknowledged by many members that they are not honoring their commitments, and has expressed the wish that these expenses be higher, the situation of Kiska.According to him, there was much talk about this proposal and he stressed in his speech that he was proud to have promised clearly by the Slovak government to increase defense spending

"When I was president four years ago, the budget went slightly below one percentage point (gross domestic product – GDP I reiterated that we had entered the Alliance with a clear commitment, which we must also fulfill. If everyone is in one, "said the president, he said that several allies have similar commitments, which means for the RS 2% of GDP in defense in 2024 and 1.6% of GDP in 2020

Kiska pointed out that the debate itself was about defense is not enough if people do not feel safe.He stressed that the Baltic countries are right to ask if the? NATO actually defends them if Russia decides to take action as in Ukraine or Georgia. "I stressed that the Alliance must clearly show that it can react quickly and effectively by relocating the troops if Russia can do it "

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