What is the end of Ant-Man and Wasp for Avengers 4 and what were the subtitle scenes?


The text contains Avengers spoilers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp and potential spoilers for Avengers 4!

The first of this year's MCU comics is just a few days behind us (our reviewer), and now, as usual in Marvel Studios, patients and experienced audiences, this time waiting for a pair of subtitled surprises

And we will talk more about it today. Let's start with the scene first and much more importantly. The Ant-Man has long known that his story will run between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War

Later, however, Kevin Feige himself confirmed that the events of Ant- Man and The Wasp would be very important to the MCU, and the image would connect directly to Avengers 4.

Many movie fans were sure to be pleased with the fact that this It was not just an empty speech


The first subtitle scene took place at the same time as the Avengers' fight against Thanos, with the difference that she focused on Hope ( Evangeline Lilly), Hanka (Michael Douglas), Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Scott (Paul Rudd).

They were on the roof of a garage, where, thanks to the reduced version of the Quantum Tunnel, they sent Scott back to Quantum Realm to collect the energy needed to process the character named Ava / Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen)

Hope, Hank, and Janet were waiting for Scotta's signal to get him out of the Quantum realm. But when Ant-Man sent them a sign, no one answered.

Scott thought his team was joking about his team, but the audience quickly understood what was happening in the next scene

<img class = "lazy" src = "https: //filmkult.refresher .sk / static / css / img / grey.gif "data-original =" https://i.refresher.sk/public/osky/better_call_saul/Ant-Man-and-the-Wasp-Trailer-2-10. jpg "alt =" What about the end of Ant-Man and Wasp for Avengers 4 and what were the subtitle scenes?

Thanos in Wakanda cut his fingers and destroyed half of Well, Hope, Hank and Janet were among those who had disappeared.

Scott survived and remained imprisoned in the Quantum Kingdom, although we can not say for sure if he survived by chance or because it was not technically in our universe

But Quantum Realm has no chance to enter, and in the real world, it is likely that no one will live never for the And this time, a functional regulator is not available on the suit to save it in unity

Its fate will be revealed as soon as Captain Marvel or Avengers arrive 4. But that does not stop us from being a little greedy

As Captain Marvel's story will also include the Quantum Kingdom, there is a chance for Scott to release in one way or another. from another this heroine. On the other hand, we may have to wait for the premiere of Avengers 4.

<img class = "lazy" src = "https://filmkult.refresher.sk/static/css/img/grey .gif "data-original =" https://i.refresher.sk/public/osky/better_call_saul/Ant-Man-And-The-Wasp-Ghost.jpg "alt =" What is the end of Ant-Man and Wasp for Avengers 4 and what were the subtitle scenes?

Whatever it is, we currently rely on the fact that Quantum Realm's Scott does not get it without the help of someone else. In addition, this could record the theory that it will travel in time.

On the comic website, members of the Kree Army wear wrist devices that provide the pumped energy of the Quantum Zone

It is possible that these devices (that they could be presented to Captain Marvel) are exactly those who have the hands of the Avengers filming a new Battle of New York

Alternatively, devices made by scientists of the Avengers series and traveling in time will be independent of Kree technology. No Quantum Kingdom Will Play an Extremely Important Role In This Field

 What is the End of Ant-Man and Wasp for Avengers 4 and What were the Subtitle Scenes

As You Will 39, have already found, there are still too many unknowns in the air. But we can not really wait to see how this complex mosaic begins to deteriorate gradually and offer definitive answers

What is the second subtitle scenario, which at first glance looks like a funny point in the end. It can be very different.

This scene led us to Scotta's home (probably shortly after the knees of Thanos), where he was still in the nest of a Hope who grew up and programmed to mimic Scott's daily routine during his prison

At this time, the ant enjoyed drums and the audience was probably also designed by the audience. Of course, we can not forget the fact that this is not an ant

This specifically performed all activities like Scott, so there may be some kind of connection between them that we do not know yet

<img class = "lazy" src = "https://filmkult.refresher.sk/static/css/img/grey.gif" data-original = "https://i.refresher.sk/public/ osky / better_call_saul / Ant-3.jpg "alt =" What is the end of Ant-Man and Wasp for Avengers 4 and what were the scenes of subtitles?

The ant has even attached a device of surveillance,

Some of the very intelligent MCU characters like Tony, Bruce, or Shuri (if she survived sniffing) would be able to locate peacefully through this facility or connection (?) Between Scottom and the lost wood of the Ant-Man

Of course, we are now going to the level of really crazy speculation Well, there is really something in the MCU. st from us, however, to the meaning of the subtitle scenes all the time.

What do you think of them? And you have a theory? If that's the case, you can share it in the comments

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