What to do when you have a lot of sweat?


Filming is a nightmare. Excessive fluid secretion will help with vitamins or herbs.

Shooting is a natural process in the human body. The body tries to cool the liquid and also eliminates toxins and impurities.

In summer, there is more sweat, but not always the heat comes. Wet clothes or wet palms may also be stressed or deficient in vitamins

Add Vitamins B

B vitamins help regulate hormones and fight stress. This is what often has overwhelming constipation. It is called emotional and it differs from the fitness center

When we are nervous, the body releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. In addition to heart rate, the activity of the sweat glands also increases. By activating these functions, they try to escape a stressful event and are in a state of readiness

B vitamins play a key role in the interconnection of glands and nerves that react together to fear or to danger

. and B12 can help regulate the levels of our stress hormone.


In simple terms, the urine is diluted in the urine. The composition of the two is similar. Through the pores, in addition to the fluids, we exclude the minerals that the body needs. They are an integral part of the nervous system, and in their absence the body loses the ability to manage its functions, including sweating

It is extremely important because it not only helps in the transmission of nerve signals, but improves also the ability of the nervous system to adapt to daily stress. ] Chinese Schizandra

Schizandra is a plant known from old Chinese. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothes and helps manage stress.

There are studies that suggest that active compounds of schizandrine protect against Alzheimer's disease

It is particularly suitable for postmenopausal women as it helps regulate night sweats and hot flashes [19659004] Refreshing Fruit

Heavy, oily foods that are full of protein charge metabolism that responds to increased body temperature and sweating. The body exerts more effort to treat it.

In summer, prefer a light vegetable diet. Vegetables and fruits are the best choice in this case. Rejuvenate grapes, melon, celery, cucumbers or radishes.

Beware of carbohydrates. Excess glucose in the blood leads to an increase in body temperature due to its release of energy

Attention to peppermint or caffeine

The spice is a thermogenic food that accelerates metabolism but also increases body temperature. 19659003] If you have trouble drinking, try spicy and salty foods in the summer.

Pay attention to caffeine. It is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system. This should not interfere with perspiration.

Salvia is a natural source of flavonoids and polyphenols that make it an excellent antioxidant

At the same time, it also has antibacterial, anti-stress and soothing effects. The tea of ​​this herb helps to fight against excessive sweating during the night and the night

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