What's going on in the basketball center for seniors? The second case of death in unclear circumstances!


The welfare center of Kosice town, Garbiarska Street, was unfortunately extended on Saturday. In the morning, under the windows of the inner aura, the still body of a woman was found

The locals were out of the situation, as the long customer knew Mary date († 769)

with the addition that the director is on leave and providing information is only the founder, that is the city. Starki was more vocal. Just after the tragedy, they told us that the staff had forbidden them to talk to strangers about this unfortunate event. "We know so much that Maria († 76) has been extremely sad lately." What harassed her betrayed none of us, maybe she was sick, we will not know it today "

The police do not start not

The case is already resolved by the police "Investigator of the Criminal Police Department of Kosice Police Headquarters in this regard began criminal proceedings for the cause of murder " said spokesman for the provincial police, Lenka Ivanová

Barriers or fuses on the windows

but he was on the ground floor, but jumped out the window on the fourth floor. asked how comfortable it is that the upstairs air-conditioning areas are not equipped with grilles and windows with special fuses. "The Garbiarska Street Seniors provide social services to clients who do not are usually not limited in their abilities. The buildings are designed to be as close as possible to the natural environment of the house. Several rooms have access to a balcony. In addition, a large portion of the population does not want smoking rooms, such as homes in social services and specialized institutions designed for clients with psychiatric diagnoses and mental disabilities, respectively. in prisons, " informed the spokesperson of Linda Šnajdarova.

The director interrupted the party

Although Monday morning the deputy director told us that the head of the station had not the intention to interrupt the holiday of foreigners, the city would be the afternoon in the afternoon "In the context of this case, the director of Valko actively communicated with the staff of the establishment as well as with the representatives of the founder. He is now on the way to Slovakia to be fully available to clarify this event, " said Šnajdarová.

Two cases of death of women

We wonder if the city does not contemplate to recall the director of Ján Valka this is not the first case of mysterious death in this facility during his fight.In early September 2012, the staff of the Center alerted relatives of women who do not Could not call for three days.When the staff opened the room, they found only the soulless body of Mrs. Gabriel

The police did not miss anyone

The police started to prosecute for the cause of the murder, but they were later arrested under the Code of Criminal Procedure, the death did not occur as a result of the alienation.Apart especially at that time, Valka had said that the staff had not neglected their homework. it possible that the customer has missed none for three days?

Taking Responsibility

Even with respect to the event mentioned above, counselors are clear about this. "In case of error," [196590027] (function (d, s, id))

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