When Geraint Thomas looked at his wife, his emotions overflowed: I cried when I got married


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Originally, it seemed that the King of the Tour de France will also confirm his sovereignty in time. Geraint Thomas was the leader of the first and second half of the season, when in the end he released and left the delightful moments of the stage triumph of world champion Tom Dumoulin. Thomas's joy in the target was, however, much greater.

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He will become the first 32-year-old cyclist from Wales to win the Tour de France. The double Olympic champion in the team's fight race is only the last step – Sunday in the yellow jersey to reach the goal in Paris. After a trip of 3351 km cycling three weeks

"I can not believe it I do not know what to say, everything is so amazing and amazing The last time I cried when I got married I do not know what happens with me " Geraint Thomas told reporters after the journalists arriving at the Espelette time trial, as well as the web idnes.cz

The wait time was waiting for that # 39; he is a wife, and it was a huge wave of emotions that this cyclist was the fifteenth general ranking on TdF, did not recognize "For three weeks, I have been extremely concentrated every day or all the hills during the stages, and suddenly, everything is about me, and I had strong emotions that I could not even say for a few minutes "

His rival Tom Dumoulin admitted that Thomas was the most complex and therefore the best rider since is weeks on the French roads. After the first week with the predominance of apartments that did not have runners for the overall standings, he trailed only 6 seconds behind senior leader Greg van Avermaet. That was the basis of success, as his biggest rivals had already been transferred to another one-minute loss

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More later, the distance from Thomas to Van Avermaet increased to 2:22 min but in the Alps, it was only a matter of time, when the great Belgian classic "drops the steam". The power demonstration led Walesan into the second alpine stage with the end at La Rosière. He reached the goal as a 20-second winner ahead of Dumont and Froom, and ahead of his teammate and Froom Trophy defender in the overall standings.

He won another great triumph after being imposed on the legendary Alpe d'Or Huez, and it is there that Thomas definitely showed that this year with him he must be seriously reluctant to beat for a total victory. Later on the Pyrenean giants, he only cautiously kept the attacks of his opponents, and the end times were a little nicer at the end.

"Thursday night, I started to believe that it could come out, when I settled in the Pyrenees The last stage of the Pyrenees – It was a huge fight, Dumoulin was still very loud, so I thought my slogan would be "Follow Tom." I still thought it would be good, her legs strong, and she believed it.Over my career, I learned not to panic, and that paid " commented Thomas

A thirty-year-old Cardiff native also answered the question of how he felt the role of a dominant member of the" Scepter. "fellow Chris Froom. Froome has just arrived at the Tour de France as his biggest favorite to win the fifth title and face the legends of Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, Jacques Anquetiles and Miguel Indurain

Froome as TdF Champion 2017, Vuelty 2017 and Giro d'Italia 2018 to add the fourth triumph of the p restigious series Grand Tour in a row, but will eventually meet Paris in third place

"I think Chris Froome is also happy for me and he does it to me. he can not congratulate me for the man who is the best cyclist in the world for me, " Thomas said.

" We are friends with Geraint We have trained a lot and it helped me a lot in my victories. It's amazing to see him in such a form and with determination that this year at the Tour de France I'm proud of what he's done and that I can stand on stage in Paris next to him, " Quotes Frooma web idnes.cz

Thomas is another successor to British rule in the Tour de France.As of 2012, the Italian Vincenzo Nibali (2014) disrupted the hegemony of the British team Sky in the world's largest stage races In addition to this, Froome (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017) once won, once Bradley Wiggins (2012) and now adds a total triumph to Thomas


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"I do not think there is a problem" Thomas laughed and continued: "This Tour de France was so interesting and dramatic also thanks to the riders of the other teams who showed their strength and they have my great respect, and there will always be those who will condemn us for being too good, but I do not want to do anything or anything. "

Welsh sports star.The landscape of rugby and football has also turned into a cycling landscape, as evidenced by the fact that hundreds of supporters who touched the Red Dragon Flags under the Alpe from Huez, Tourmalet, were also seen on Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle – Espelette

"We are a small country and every success of our athletes is wonderful, but as a legend that I do not feel it seems crazy, I want to stay as I am " Thomas added to idnes.cz FULL PROGRAM, TABLES AND RESULTS TOUR DE FRANCE >>

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