Which candidate mayor conducts the investigation?


If the municipal elections were held in Bratislava at the end of June and July, the current mayor of the capital, Ivo Nesrovnal (independent), would win.

This results from a Focus investigation, which was ordered by the electoral team of the Mayor of Bratislava, Matúš Vall.

Unbalanced gained 30.9% in the survey. Second independent candidate and former CEO of RTVS Vaclav Mika completed with 23.6 percent The current mayor of Bratislava Vajnor Ján Mrva which was 23.5 percent in the year. investigation

Musician, architect and independent candidate with the support of non-parliamentary parties Total – Civic Democracy and progressive Slovakia Matus Vallo wins 17,2% Mayor of Bratislava for extra-parliamentary KDH Caroline Líšková completed the survey with 4.8% On the occasion of this year's municipal elections, the president of the extra-parliamentary party of the NAJ, Viktor Béreš, wishes to participate in this year's municipal elections.

"With a few weeks of campaigning and a statistical error that is a natural part of every survey, a relatively balanced chance in the fight for the mayor's chair between lords Nesrovnalom, Mikom, Mrvovi and Vallom said Martin Slosiarik of the agency Focus

The survey was conducted by the Agency on June 20-2, July by a combined form of personal and telephone survey. Selection sample consisted of 1,012 respondents representing the adult population of Bratislava with permanent residence in the city in terms of gender, age, education and district of residence Respondents answered the question – In November of this year will be another municipal election and in Bratislava will be elected mayor again.If these elections were held this Saturday and that the following candidates and candidates would be candidates for whom d? Would you like to vote?

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