White helmets in southern Syria live in fear


Hundreds of white helmet members did not leave their occupation of southern Syria until they occupied the provinces.

Volunteers of the Syrian non-governmental organization of Syrian civilian protectors who, after the arrival of pro-Russian troops, were trapped in southern Syria, live in fear of falling between hands of a government that considers them as enemies. In reference to the testimony of two members, White Patrols reported Wednesday

Hundreds of white bar members did not leave their South Syrian territory before occupying the provinces. They did not even have between a few hundred of their colleagues with the families that Israel evacuated Israel in cooperation with their allies.

The unnamed PA pair said that they lived in secrecy, using sideways to avoid government checkpoints. only in some places.

Even harder is the psychological pressure. Unlike other Syrians who have decided to stay in government-controlled southern Syria, white helmets claim that trust in the government is not possible

One of the reunited couples is headed by 30 volunteers. No fewer than 422 volunteers, along with their families, spent a weekend of a combat zone in the southern border area of ​​Syria via the Israel-occupied Golan Heights to Jordan, according to an AP who is looking for a solution to make them leave with their families. The arrival of these Syrians evacuated over the next three months has been confirmed by the governments of Great Britain, Germany and Canada

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