Who will encourage Trump? From the president, he made the Croatian jersey


Diane at the World Football Championship was also under the auspices of leaders at the NATO summit in Brussels.

State leaders took center stage in the English semi-finals with the Croats. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovičova received congratulations from Prime Ministers and Heads of State

US President Donald Trump did not miss congratulations, writes list Jutarnji

Interviewed by a journalist Croatian at a meeting with reporters The boss of the White House has not forgotten to add: "By the way, congratulations to your football team!"

Trump also has a jersey in his conversations with his Croatian colleague

. British Prime Minister Theresa May was similar to Grabar Kitarovic. Just at a time when Adriatic players played a semifinal with England.

<img id = "img-5b4783b8e52d8" class = "lazy_load" src = "http://www.aktuality.sk/" data-1024 = "https://t1.aimg.sk/magaziny/ESCVuQ- jTeu0h5Zk3sEw8w ~ Kolinda-Grabarov-Kitarovi-ov-s-Donaldom-Trumpom.png? t = L2ZpdC1pbi84MDB4MC9maWx0ZXJzOmZvcm1hdChqcGVnKQ% 3D% 3D & h = Je4pkVqO3TVJ5fcodHYIHQ & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "data-1024×2 =" https://t1.aimg.sk/magaziny/ESCVuQ -jTeu0h5Zk3sEw8w ~ Kolinda-Grabarov-Kitarovi-ov-s-Donaldom-Trumpom.png? t = L2ZpdC1pbi8xNjAweDAvZmlsdGVyczpmb3JtYXQoanBlZyk% 3D & h = Bq5fyZpGB5NQgpCSh1ndjw & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "title =" Kolinda Grabarová Kitarovičová s Donaldom Trumpom "alt =" 2
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