Will Macedonia join NATO soon?


The leaders of the North Atlantic Alliance sent an official invitation to the accession talks in Central Macedonia.

At the same time, however, they emphasized that this Balkan country can only become a member after resolving its verbatim dispute with Greece AP reported. The invitation was launched as a NATO summit communiqué underway in Brussels. Macedonia will become the 30th member of NATO, but it irritates Russia

Macedonia and Greece signed an agreement in June for Macedonia to change its official name to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Macedonia in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Greece has unblocked the efforts of its neighbor to join NATO and the EU "The Nobel Prize is a prerequisite for the success of the accession process", NATO officials declare

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov insists that he will not sign the agreement to change the name of the country. He does not want to do it even after being approved by the Macedonian Parliament for the second time Ivanov says the agreement is unconstitutional

The official name change of the Macedonian constitution should not have place after the referendum scheduled for September or October. If the citizens refuse a plebiscite agreement, early elections will follow "

" We welcome this historic agreement between Athens and Skopje on the solution of the name of the country In accordance with our policy, we decided to invite the Skopje government to start accession negotiations, " NATO leaders said in a statement. Macedonian and Greek nationalists, despite the change in the conflict, vehemently oppose the agreement reached.The Macedonian coordinator of the accession process, Stevo Pendarovski, stressed the importance of the agreement with Greece [19659008] Macedonian “/>

"Fulfilling the military, technical and legal conditions presented to each candidate will not be enough The Macedonian diplomat said: Since 1991, when Macedonia was separated from Former Yugoslavia disintegrated, Athens accuses Skopje of having attempted to steal the Hellenic heritage of the Greek province of the same name. even ambitions towards Greco-Macedonian territory. The Foreign Ministers of both countries signed the Compromise Agreement on June 17.

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