Will we also back up the PET bottles?


What do you do with plastic bottles? What would you say if you could bring them back to the store? Support for PET bottles could also be a reality in Slovakia in the near future.

The Ministry of the Environment is preparing a study on the cost of this process and its contents. The Minister of Environment László Sólymos (Most-Híd) says that pollution by plastic bottles is very visible. Today, it is possible to collect about 70% of the plastic bottles that will reach our market

"PET bottles are a more efficient way of collecting.We have experience from around the world that when the bottles are backed up, the efficiency moves between 90 and 95 percent, "said for TASR.It is clear that the introduction of plastic bottles would require a lot of investment, especially in stores, they should organize vending machines, warehouses, they are not against, they only want producers and processors involved in the process. "It is essential that this be preceded by an analysis of the functionality. of the new solution compared to the current separation of PET bottles ", explains Anna Buzinkay of Terno

  PET bottles Open the gallery

] Katarína Fašiangová, Director of the Modern Alliance of Commerce (SAMO)

– For the effective implementation of such a safeguard, it is necessary to ensure a complex and closed chain, not only traders, but also manufacturers, bottle transformers in PET. Miloš Veverka, Center for Sustainable Alternatives (CEPTA)

– The collection system for disposable beverage packaging reaches more than 90 percent and can therefore greatly help reduce the environmental pollution of illegally disposed packaging. As far as the deposit is concerned, it is about 0.20-0.25 EUR: Germany 25 Centimes, Estonia 10 Centimes, Denmark 1 – 3 Danish Krone (0.13 – 0.40 €)

Plastom invites [19659014] Lidl is committed to reducing the volume of plastics by 20% by 2025 and achieving the total recyclability of plastic packaging of its brands. "By 2019, we will be replacing disposable plastic disposable products with alternative and recyclable products," adds Tomáš Bezák

. What advantages would it have?

● increase the volume of plastic collected

● facilitate recycling, processors would have more quality and cleaner raw material

● Nature would be cleaned bottles and cans freely available

Patria in a yellow container


PET bottles were marketed for the first time in 1947.

8.4 kg

One Slovak per year produces 8.4 kilograms of waste in the form of plastic


PET bottles belong to the yellow containers, such as leaves, plastic bags or cans

50 years

The plastic bottle is made of polyethylene terephthalate.

Source: Green MAGAZINE and Wikipedia

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