With the growing number of SUVs, the number of casualties among pedestrians is increasing


According to NHTSA, pedestrians are two to three times less likely to survive a collision with a pickup truck and an SUV than a private car

Crossover and SUV are still gaining popularity around the world. However, their increasing number on the road also brings their negatives. In addition to higher consumption, they are also more dangerous for pedestrians. What we suspected was confirmed by the US media Detroit Free Press and USA Today Network. According to the report, the number of pedestrians has increased by 46% since 2009. Beyond that, we can see a number of new SUVs that have come on the road, but that's not the only factor. In addition to traditional causes such as alcohol and pedestrian inattention while crossing the road, there are a number of casualties in the United States (about 6000 in 2016) and smart phones that drive away pedestrians and drivers of the road. Although there are many factors in the overall statistics, the impact of the SUV on the increase in tragic accidents between vehicles and pedestrians by 69% between 2009 and 2016 is evident.

According to the 2015 report of the NHTSA (US Government Travel Insurance Agency), SUVs and pickup trucks are part of an accident involving pedestrians in a third of cases. When we look at accidents with fatal consequences for pedestrians, that's almost 40%. Analyzing twelve different studies, NHTSA concluded that the probability of pedestrian deaths is two to three times higher in the streets with a pick-up or SUV compared to a passenger car . prompted NHTSA to introduce a new vehicle evaluation system that takes into account pedestrian safety. The modifications should affect the evaluation of vehicles for the 2019 model year. The Euro NCAP independent European consortium, which performs vehicle impact tests, has long considered pedestrian safety. (1969004) jQuery (document) .ready (function () {) {
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