With the Lord God, am I from you? Mecir says back


Former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar has not yet said the last word in politics.

"I rested. I stopped farming for trees, because I was harvested by trees, and I was a little embarrassed about doing politics. "

Former TV chief Markie HZDS has outlined his plans." I really do not intend to introduce myself for the post of president. A thousand percent. Ján Baránek, political analyst and director of the Polis agency, can not imagine his involvement in regional politics because he worked for many years at the top. "It's just that you take it as a hobby."

"The next generation of voters grows up, it is a generation that does not remember the 90s that earned them the price of the so-called" Barentek

The political scientist Grigorij Meseznikov for the TV says that it is impossible for Meciar to become possible, certainly

The murder of John Kuciak

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