Women offered help, steal it


Police of Stare Ľubovne criminal proceedings of three young people

STARÁ ĽUBOVŇA. The investigator of Stare Ľubovne was accused Thursday of stealing and misappropriating a payment instrument, electronic money or other means of payment to two girls of 16 and 17 years old and to a boy of 17 years of Stare Ľubovne

As Prešov spokesperson of the regional police, the juvenile trio stole a 22-year-old woman from Starej Ľubovna last August and also used her credit card to pay the shop

. "One morning in August, they saw a young woman sitting and sleeping on the floor, a parking lot in front of one of the pizzerias of Stare Ľubovni, and on the floor he had a loose cell phone and the other one. money that had won and gone, then went back to the woman and offered help to help her pick up her personal belongings "Daniel Džobanik informed us

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with a stolen card, they paid a few times in the shops …

"Okradnutej žene was the victim of a theft of EUR 582 damages and interest. five cashless and contactless payments in the amount of 49 EUR. , 57 euros caused a total damage of 631.57 euros, "added Jobanik

Accused are prosecuted for freedom

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