World recalls the 50th anniversary of the first landing, the American celebration feels a year


MYS CANAVERAL, July 22 ( – At the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Saturday celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first one-year landing on the moon.

During the gala dinner under the Saturn V rocket, astronauts, submitted space prizes and souvenirs sold at auction. However, former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who is the second man on the moon, missed him. Its nonprofit learning foundation, ShareSpace, was one of the event's sponsors, aimed among other things at raising funds for education in science, engineering, engineering, and the arts and mathematics, and scholarships for young astronauts.

Awarded prizes

At the gala dinner, there were hundreds of people. British physicist Brian Cox presented the prize for innovation to Virgin Galactic founder, Richard Branson, Carolyn Williams of the One Of Hand To AnOTHER organization and received an award for education, and the former director of Johnson Space Center, Gerry Griffin

. such as the work of a British pop artist Romer Britta, a Virgin Galactic show in California, or signed space memorials. Tickets for the event were sold between $ 750 and $ 2500 per person.

Great Leap for Humanity

The absence of Buzzo Aldrin was to be expected. The former astronaut sued his two children about a month ago, as well as a former director of business for abusing his credit cards, bank account transfers and defamation because he was "deadly". he said that he was suffering from insanity. Andrew and Jan Aldrinovce asked a court several weeks ago to control his finances on the grounds that their 88-year-old father suffers from memory loss, hallucinations, paranoia and that he is totally confused. Both Andrew and Jan, as well as the commercial director Christina Korp, took part in the event. Aldrin, James' eldest son, is not involved in the litigation.

The Eagle Lunar Module with American Astronauts Neil Alden Armstrong and Edwin Eugene " Buzzom " Aldrin lands on July 20, 1969 at Mori Peace on the Moon. Six hours later, Armstrong made the legendary " Great Leap for Humanity " when he stepped on the surface of the cosmic body of the nearest Earth. Suddenly, Aldrin followed him, and the look that he had appeared to him was described as " a magnificent desert ". They surveyed the surface for about two and a half hours, collected samples and photographed. After their historic walk across the Moon, they successfully joined the Columbia Command Module and returned to Earth with their colleague Michael Collins on July 24th. The Apollo 11 mission began the Earth on July 16th. © 2006 SITA All rights reserved.

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