You are young only once: before you settle down, try these things in life!


It's like that, youth goes by the fingers, we do not know how. There are things that we will probably not have the courage or time to experience later in life, so we should not be afraid to live full time, and before we settle in, we will remove some important items from the list


Have you looked Friends and dreamed of being, where you open the wine with your girls, order some pizza, and hit you in the night? Where will you share the joys and dreams of life and share all the secrets? So what are you waiting for? Go for it!

2. Reduce and Travel

Get courage. Internship, language study or work, get out of your comfort zone. You can only get – you will learn a new language, get to know new places, culture and, last but not least, new people who can change your life

Wear my best friend? Why not!

3 Living abroad

Near the previous point. We understand that this is not always feasible, and it depends on many factors, but if you have the opportunity to go astray for a long time, to move around and try to live in a world completely different, go for it!

4 Overcome your fear

And in this case, we talk about everything from total triviality to parachute jumping. Reach you, try to overcome. There is no better way to say victorious "I did it!" and you will smile from these situations, even if you are in the swing chair to slam the grandchildren of the sock

5 Forgive mistakes

We are mistaken about human beings, whether we like it or not . And it is only up to us to decide whether we are going to spend years with juvenile indiscretion, or if we can get away with it and accept the fact that what happened must no longer be exchange. Even our mistakes have shaped us in what we are today.

6 Nelutu

Do not pit. Do not deny the past, focus on presence. Life is just one, and sometimes it's hard enough to get worse 🙂

Author: Petra Krizovenská

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