You can burn yourself even at night. Watch the eyes and lips


Burnt skin during cloudy days or swollen lips are not the exception in summer.

Burns, aging of the skin or cancer. All this is related to the summer months and staying at the sea or at the pool.

There are a lot of tips on how to protect yourself or how to get the most beautiful and natural tan. Some questions remain unanswered

Will I be burned after the 17th hour

The summer is not recommended in the sun between 11am and 5pm because it is very strong. In the evening, it is safer, according to experts, but certainly not to forget the protection. UV radiation is present even in the afternoon.

It all depends on the climate zone and the sensitivity of the skin. (19659007) UV rays penetrate through clouds, so time can be very misleading and treacherous. It is during these days that many people are burning because they think they do not need to be protected and they have been out for a long time.

This is also true if it's a little cooler or if you're on a ski slope or hiking. Protection is still needed

Am I burning through a window in a car or plane?

The answer to this question is yes or no. It depends on the UV radiation. In particular, UVA and UVB rays are mentioned in relation to the sun.

UVB also has an increased risk of skin cancer. Fortunately, it does not pass through the glass.

UVA rays also increase the risk of cancer, but they can rarely burn the skin. It's rather aging. The bad news is that about 10 to 50% of them can penetrate through the glass

Is the SPF 50 really better than the SPF 30

The experts usually recommend that the use SPF 30 and more. It should be effective against UVA and UVB rays.

The higher the protection factor, the more you protect yourself from the sun. However, the number may not be so decisive.

When tanning, take care of sufficient preparation and its regular application, especially after bathing. Applies to any protective factor

Burnt eyes

Just as UV light can damage the skin, it also threatens the eyes. The result is what is called photoceratitis – inflammatory corneal disease.

Burnt Lips

Pears are among the most sensitive places in the body.

Pears are among the most sensitive places of the body. If you do not treat them enough, burning is a sign of swelling and burning.

At the same time, the risk of skin cancer is growing. Make sure to always use products with a high protection factor on the beach.

Fire Protection

The theory that sunbathing protects against fire is a myth. Even if you have already taken this bronze this summer, you should use a protective cream

In the sun, we must also think about the risk of skin cancer and the fact that his skin is aging

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