You can find the most expensive offices in Hong Kong, prices have also gone up in Bratislava | Commercial real estate


The most expensive office space in the world is in Hong Kong. This results from an analysis of CBRE, a real estate consulting firm. Office rental rates are in the region at $ 275 per square meter per month. London and Third Beijing follow the Asian metropolis.

Office rental prices increased an average of 2.4% on average. In the United States, most countries of 3.2%, the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) by 2% and Asia and the Pacific by 1.7%. "For the first time in the evaluation cycle, the cost of renting high-end office space has been constant in all regions of the world," says CBRE chief economist , Richard Barkham.

Favorable Situation

In his words, a favorable economic situation was signed under the effect of rising prices. The highest price increase occurred in Durban, South Africa, followed by metropolitan areas such as Bangkok, Marseille, Vancouver and Oslo. In America, office prices in Vancouver, Manhattan, New York, central Toronto, Los Angeles and central Dallas have increased the most.

In Asia and the Pacific, prices rose in Bangkok, followed by parts of Hong Kong – Kowloon, Singapore, Melbourne and Wellington. In the EMEA region, Durban was the largest, followed by Marseille, Oslo, Stockholm and Berlin. In contrast, Dubai, Shanghai, Moscow and Abu Dhabi recorded the largest price decline from one year to the next.

"In the regions where we have seen the largest increase in office space rentals, the strongest demand for corporate offices operating in the fields of finance, technology and e-commerce was the strongest, "says Barkham.

The Bratislava market copies to a certain extent events throughout the region. The free office space is a historic low in the city. "In addition, in the capital, world-class office buildings are built, and for many developers, the BREEAM or LEED certificate" building "is obvious and they are complemented by certificates WELL. These are factors that are pushing rental prices up, "says CBRE.

Price increase

In Bratislava, rents for modern offices range from € 13.50 to € 17 per square meter per month, an increase of about three per cent over the previous year. last year. Price growth should continue.

"In the next period, we expect a steady rise in rental rates in office buildings, but at a slower pace than before.The reason for a moderate slowdown in growth is also the increase seen in the area in this segment, "says Oliver Galata, head of office rental office at CBRE in Slovakia.

According to him, changes will occur on the market. "Even though in recent years we have not seen any vacancy in the original buildings, we expect that the vacancy rate of older buildings will increase over the next two years, considering also the announced increase in new markets, "says O. Galata.

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