You do not know how much people want to work


Scientists have found that even eight hours of work time is an absurdity in terms of work efficiency and that the younger generation is asking for more and more space for one's personal life. But Elon Musk sees things differently.

According to him, people should work at least 80 to 100 hours a week. That's how I can change the world. He told him Monday at twitter after asking people how many hours they should work each week to change the world.

What would such a "life" look like? It would not be. If people worked 80 hours a week, including weekends, they would work 11 hours a day. If they want to have a free weekend, they will have to "bump" and heal 16 hours a day. In the case of 100 hours a week, they would have almost never slept or would shoot 14 hours a week over the weekend. People have to work and sleep a bit.

"There are also much easier jobs, but no one has ever changed the world in 40 hours a week" written on Twitters.

At a time when Tesla was increasing the production of his Model 3, Musk would have worked 120 hours a week, and almost all of his Tesla staff was doing it 100 hours a week. He said in the interview for Recode. Such a regime is necessary for the survival of Tesla.

Slave, is not it a little high tax on electric cars? It may be wise to employ more people or to sit by bike.

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