Young people are more interested in second pillar, unsecured funds have higher returns


BRATISLAVA, July 11 ( – In the second pillar, more than 1.46 million people were rescued by the end of June this year. In the first half of this year, more than 30,000 young people entered the second pillar.

" Compared to 2017, almost 20% of young people entered the second pillar ," the Association of Pension Managers (ADSS). At the end of June, six pension management companies managed to save their clients for a total amount of nearly 7.91 billion euros.

Higher Growth Potential

" The average annual recovery of guaranteed pension funds on the market for the first half of 2018 is 0.168% pa, unsecured pension funds managed an annual return average of 4.79% p. ", said the chairman of the ADSS board, Marián Kopecký

. These indicators also indicate that unsecured funds, even if they are riskier and have higher value fluctuations, have incomparably high growth potential. According to him, the average second-pillar saver currently has only the first third of the total savings period and should therefore have the majority of his savings allocated to the unsecured fund

Young people realize the necessity of the second pillar

the second pillar. " They have begun to realize its necessity.If the trend of steady growth in the number of young people entering the second pillar is likely to be at the end of this year, we can expect to what the million and a half […]) {
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