Young Valentine, in a strong video, dream of Slovaks with their story about anorexia


Only half of the people in this country know that eating disorders are deadly. This is the result of a survey conducted by the agency 2Muse. And up to a third of people think that anorexia is just a fashionable hit. And it's about these discoveries that an educational project titled "Taste to Live", whose ambassador became a young Slovak

18-year-old Valentina Sadilekova who fights the # 39, anorexia since he was 8 years old. In a short video, a Slovak woman confesses how anorexia has entered her life and openly declares that she has only two options: either to kill her or to put an end to her

project includes several parts, for example from a national educational campaign, which helps to deceive myths, workshops in schools run by experts, is to help parents, friends and loved ones to discover the eating disorders and giving them a helping hand or the necessary contacts to professionals

The project began with the support of the agency of mental health and advertising Respect APP.

Valentina is currently launching a crowdfunding campaign to collect resources for individual activities, especially for workshops and assistance to groups of people most at risk – adolescents in schools and athletes

. ] In May and June, together with psychologists and nutritionists and O2 support, Slovakia traveled. In the 27 cities, 30 schools participated, discussing with more than 1500 students, close to a hundred tutors and psychologists

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