YouTube also tells you important events around the world in the app


Platform YouTube is currently known for watching and sharing videos. Now, it extends its features in the field of news and important events of the world. When updating, the YouTube app will give you an overview of important events with the ability to link to a full article.

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Google also wants to improve other areas of application. The YouTube environment currently features Top News and Breaking News, which bring together events from media or news channels. This section is on the home screen of the YouTube app. Currently, this feature can be used in 17 countries around the world, including the United States, France, Italy and Japan. The creator of the service wants to double that number in the months to come. However, the new countries supported are not yet known

Another improvement on YouTube is focused on local news. This is what the service wants to achieve by integrating it better into the YouTube TV app. However, the search for local news is currently being tested and Google has 25 countries involved in the tests.

YouTube's latest improvement is also about events, but also about history. For familiar and carefully checked events (such as landing on the moon, etc.), YouTube also displays an alternative source of information, such as Wikipedia or Encyclopædia Britannica. However, there will be a small number of verified historical events. This improvement should be available today