YouTube Explore: a better tool for finding new videos


A new YouTube experiment bears the name Explore . The latest features should help mobile users find new channels or videos based on what they view The Explorer function appears as a tab at the bottom of the welcome screen . However, only YouTube users selected on iOS will test it for the moment.

More videos of a similar theme

In YouTube, the recommendation of videos and channels based on the most frequently accessed content already exists. Explorer will be slightly different. It will not overwhelm the quantum of almost the same videos or similar videos recommended. It brings him the content so that the user can broaden his horizons and deepen his area of ​​interest. However, the recommended videos will still be personalized and personalized

The new feature is similar to the recommendations Instagram (which in addition to the custom channel offers additional channels related to the sport, to the art, to art, etc.). The social network Twitter also provides a similar service that allows users to navigate through different targeted streams

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