Žilina managed the home match against Nitra, the newbie Bozenik decided


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The players of Žilina won 2: 1 on Nitra in the second round of the Fortuna League. For both teams, it was the first competition duel in 2018/2019, their first-round meeting was postponed.

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Liga Fortuna – 2nd round:

MŠK Žilina – FC Nitra

13. Škvarka, 54. Boženík – 32. A. Fábry [19659009] ŽK: Káčer, Holúbek – Križan, A. Fábry.

MŠK Žilina: Holec – Anang, Kaša, Králik, Holúbek – Fazlagič – Káčer, Škvarka – Jánošík 77. Vallo), Bozenik (73. Balaj), Mihalik (87. Sluka)

FC Nitra: Hrošo – Kuník, Križan, Farkas, Chovanec – Šimončič (83. Charizopulos), A. Fábry, Chobot (53. Steinhübel) – Vestenický (68. Kotrík)

The Žilinčani team started with three eighteen-year-olds and captain Miroslav Káčer, guests of Nitra compared to the last game of last season's newcomers. The first ten minutes were both familiar and inaccurate on both sides, but the hosts sometimes had clues for errors. In 11 min. Taiwo on the corner of the dangerous position in the head 16-tke, but only next to the door, but then they hit the house. 13 minutes after Holúbková's return from left to right, Škvarka opened the scoring with no problem. Zilina started slightly in the lead, but that was not the case anymore. In 23 min. Always shooting dangerously Škvarka, but the ball bounces on one of the visitors in the corner. At 33. min. Nitra managed to balance when Kunik from the center right, Kasha passed ball and Andrej Fábry had no trouble finishing. Nitrania could lead the moment, Taiwo after a good pass on a good opportunity on the left side with the ball on the door, but Holec with excellent surgery held Žilina and Anang then threw the ball safely. In the 41st min. he burned the chance to score Janosik and in the 44th minute. the home team has improved the position so far and finally had a good chance of winning the second goal

The start of the second match was better at home. After a throw-in on the left, the ball came to Boženík, who shot a shot, shot Hrošša and the ball and the end of Farkašov ended at the door. The home players put their ball back into play and, after the hour of the match, they threw themselves dangerously on the right side of Mihalík, whose shot was pushed by Hrošo over. In 62. min. Taiwo dangerously penetrated the ball into the Žilina gate, but the home team managed to flambé and purely by deflecting the ball into the corner. In the 66th minute Nitrania could equalize, only Križan on the corner with the header scored only the good pot of Holec. The guests then tried to settle in, but their activity ended either before the sixteenth, or on the beloved Holec. The local team was still threatened with dangerous races, but in the finals, they were still missing a small goal. In the end, the Zilina won a tight victory and Jaroslav Kentoš, the coach of Prime Minister Jaroslav Kentoš, was the winner of the AŠ team

See the photos of the match MŠK Žilina – FC Nitra.


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