Zuzana Aufricht will represent the mayor of the old town


The architect will support six political parties in the November municipal elections

20. July 2018 at 20:43 SITA

BRATISLAVA, Architect Zuzana Aufricht will be mayor of the city of Bratislava in the municipal municipal elections of November with the support of six parties and political movements

In the press, the Sloboda party has Solidarita ( SaS), Občianska konzervatívna strana (OKS), movement OBYČAJNÍ ĽUDIA a nezávislí osobnosti (OĽANO), Movement NOVA, strana Zmeny zdola – Democratic Union of Slovakia and the Movement we are a family – Boris Kollár

Kto announced the candidacy as mayor of Bratislava?

"On the SaS side, we support Zuzana Aufritt because she is brave and she tackles the subject, even if it can be expensive." He regularly points out the bad stages of Bratislava's leadership, especially if anything else is on the paper and something else actually. "

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According to RS National Council MP Eduard Heger from OĽANO, it is crucial that the old town functions as a Swiss watch. "That's why we need a good man in the position of the mayor.This person is Zuzana Aufrichtová."

"I chose to represent the mayor of the Old Town because as I perceive climate change in society, I perceive the fundamental change in access to public funds, the use of public funds, the space and the fulfillment of the I & # 39; public interest ", said Zuzana Aufrichtová on the margo of her candidacy. She added that special attention is given to the city's safety and its ability to withstand the negative impact, public space and life and interest public.

Zuzana Aufrichtová is an urban designer, architect and scientist. She is a member of the council of the Autonomous Region of Bratislava.

See also: [196590012] The mayor will be the designer Dana Kleinert

Dana Kleinert will be nominated for the post of mayor of Bratislava District – Stare Mesto and designer Dana Kleinert will be for supporting the parties TOTAL – democracy civic, progressive Slovakia and the Vallo team. The current mayor of the old city, Radoslav Števčík, refused to comment on the election of SITA in April

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