Small donors rally to Ilhan Omar after 9/11 attacks on Trump


Representative Ilhan Omar, one of the first Muslim women in Congress, sparked a lot of controversy during her first months in power – moments in which Democratic donors seem to want to support her.

According to the Omar Federal Election Commission report on Monday, donors have been quick to show their support for the Minnesota Democrat by helping to raise more than $ 830,000 last quarter.

It's a difficult quarter for her. In February, she was accused of anti-Semitism after criticizing pro-Israel lobbying in the United States. Republicans and Democrats, the House of Representatives voted against a general resolution largely condemning anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination, seen as a reprimand of the first-named Congressman.

More recently, Omar was attacked for saying "some people did something" by commenting that not all Muslims should be held responsible for acts committed by extremists during 9/11. In response, President Donald Trump tweeted a provocative video gathering clips of Omar and falling twin towers. Since then, Omar has reported receiving a flood of anti-Muslim insults and death threats. His fellow Democrats defended him, condemning Trump for inciting violence against Omar.

Donors also defended Omar by donating to his campaign. More than half of its funding came from donors who paid less than $ 200. Although she received only $ 10,000 in total, she was chosen as one of the best Democrats this quarter. In comparison, Democratic leaders such as Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer raised about $ 650,000 and $ 600,000, respectively.

And while the other Progressive MPs in the first term have also received considerable donations, they are lagging behind Omar. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) raised approximately $ 720,000, while Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) raised only about $ 300,000.

CEF report from Omar talks about strong position for 2020 – at least financially

So far, Omar's campaign had spent only $ 241,000, leaving him with more than $ 600,000 in cash. This is preparing her well for her first reelection campaign in 2020, especially if Democratic voters remain as engaged as during the early years of the Trump administration.

Over 70% of Omar's donations – $ 631,000 – were raised through ActBlue, a platform for individuals to donate online to Democrats, according to Politico. The platform has greatly contributed to the party's fundraising efforts. Omar's numbers show how effective digitization of donations can be.

Omar has also received donations from fellow Democrats, the majority whip in the House, Jim Clyburn, and Ocasio-Cortez, two of his most ardent supporters. Clyburn, who donated $ 1,000, defended Omar during the anti-Semitic controversy, explaining how her refugee experience shaped her point of view. Ocasio-Cortez, who donated $ 2,000, also showed support for her progressive candidate.

This is the kind of support that Omar will probably need to stay in his place. And although Trump is trying to make Omar a well-known name by citing Islamophobia, his rapidly declining approval rates in Minnesota suggest that his tactics are no longer effective.


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