Snickers withdraws Spanish ad after homophobia accusations


the video shows Spanish influencer Aless Gibaja ordering “sexy orange juice with vitamins A, B and C: hugs, kisses and hugs” at a beach bar, while a friend exchanges dumbfounded glances with his waiter.

Instead of the fruit drink, the waiter offers a Snickers ice cream bar, and after a bite, Gibaja transforms into a bearded man with a deep voice.

Asked by the friend if he is feeling better, the man responds: “Better”, before the Snickers slogan “you are not you when you are hungry” flashes on the screen.

The announcement was widely criticized as homophobic and criticized on social media, with Spain’s Equality Minister Irene Montero Tweeter: “I wonder who it might have sounded like a good idea to use homophobia as a business strategy.

“Our society is diverse and tolerant. Hopefully those with the power to make decisions about what we see and hear in advertisements and on TV shows learn to be, too,” she added.

The State Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Federation tweeted Thursday that it was “shameful and regrettable” that businesses continue to perpetuate stereotypes and homophobia. “If you need a workout next time, we’re here, #Snickers,” he added.

Snickers Spain apologized for “the misunderstanding our new advertising campaign may have caused” in a declaration put online.

“At no time was our intention to stigmatize or offend any person or group. In this specific campaign, the aim was to convey in a friendly and relaxed manner that hunger can change your mood,” said declared the company.

“Once again, we regret any misunderstanding and, in order to avoid spreading a message that could be misinterpreted, we will immediately proceed with the removal of the campaign,” he added.

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Influencer Aless Gibaja responded to the controversy in an Instagram story, apologizing “a million times if anyone was offended.”

“Babies, I’m in shock at everything that’s going on… I haven’t spoken yet because I didn’t have the strength to do so after seeing so many messages against me,” Gibaja said. “I want to make it clear that I will never hurt anyone. My flag has always been, is and will be respect, equality and tolerance.”

The announcement comes just weeks after the alleged homophobic murder of a 24-year-old man sparked protests across the country.

The murder of Samuel Luiz – who was beaten to death outside a nightclub in the northwestern city of La Coruna – sparked protests in Madrid, Barcelona and many other Spanish cities this week, attracting thousands of people who spoke out against the attacks on the LGBTQ community.

A witness identified by her first name Lina – who claimed to be a friend of Luiz’s – told Spanish media that a homophobic slogan was used at the start of the attack.


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